Last time I posted an entry about the man in form, Gareth Bale. This time I dedicated this entry on one of the legendary finishers in this world. That man is Filippo Inzaghi, nickname Super Pippo. He scored twice against Los Blancos in UEFA Champions League group stage. You might sarcastically saying "why him?", not Hairuddin Omar or hatrick hero Mario Gomez? Please waste your time reading this cheap entry and I'll tell you why.
"Gua dedicate gol-gol gua pada malam kat lu KeCiK!" kata Inzaghi dalam hati.
Inzaghi "Kamon bola, sikit lagi. Sikit lagi. Golek laju sikit!"
Casillas "Sampai hati lu Carvalho, lu sempat baring. Apsal lu tak kejar bola?"
Carvalho "Gua nak kejar macam mana, mamat ni atas gua. Gua baru nak baring rehat-rehat, lu pulak bising"
"Kenapa this fella dude?"
"Ni belog gua, ikut suka gua lah sape gua nak story"
"Tapi this fella bukan player Liverpool"
"I'm fine with that as long as the player is not from Menyoo"
"Inzaghi dah tua kerepot lah"
"Kerepot or not, look at his goal scoring record"
Yes, he is kerepot and old already. But, in the age of 37, same with Ching Hong Aik, he is still scoring for his team at the highest level. Recently he scored twiced against Real Madrid. I repeat, Real Madrid not Negeri Sembilan Cempaka or any other kilang-kilang punya team. Filippo Inzaghi is one of my favourite fowards alongside Ronaldo from Brazil, Batistuta from Argentina, Bergkamp from Netherlands, Robbie Fowler from Liverpool (Sorry for not using England, I'm not a fan of the Three Lions), Davor Suker from Croatia, Just Fontaine from France, Jared Borgetti from Mexico, Hakan Sukur fromTurkey, KeCiK from Negeri Sembilan and of course, Fernando Torres from Liverpool, again.
Check out his awesome goal scoring records.
-Inzaghi became the first striker to score in all international club competitions open to European teams.
-Inzaghi currently is the all time most prolific goal scorer (with 70 goals) in European club competitions.
-Inzagi is also Milan's top European goal scorer in the club's history with 41 goals.
-Inzagi was Serie A Top Scorer 1996-1997.
-Inzagi is also all time Italy's Top goal scorer under UEFA club competition records.
-Inzaghi currently is the all time most prolific goal scorer (with 70 goals) in European club competitions.
-Inzagi is also Milan's top European goal scorer in the club's history with 41 goals.
-Inzagi was Serie A Top Scorer 1996-1997.
-Inzagi is also all time Italy's Top goal scorer under UEFA club competition records.
*Apart from that, he scored twice against Liverpool in UEFA Champions League Final 2007. I repeat, TWICE. Cilaka lu Inzaghi.

Ibrahimovic "Zambrotta my friend, what are you doing with your left elbow?"
Zambrotta "Sorry Ibra, gua niat baik, nak clear bola. Boateng ni menyemak pulak"
Boateng "Tepi! Tepi! Bagi gua clear bola nih!"
The unknown player at the back "Diorang nak main bola ke nak sembang?"
Inzaghi "Lu nampak kan gua score tadi? Lu nampak kan gua score tadi? Lu nampak kan gua scor tadi?" *he repeated these words until Pedro Leon equalized on 90th minute.
Ibrahimovic "Yeah dude, I saw that. Now stop saying that, it's annoying lah!"
How's that for a finisher? He may not have the skill like Ronaldo, tall like Zigic, strong like Jan Koller, fast like Messi, handsome like KeCiK or hairy like Carlos Valderrama, he has this instinct as a finisher in front of the opposition's goal. I believe a good foward or a superb striker can score goals from many positions using most of his body part, hand ball pon gua kira sekali.
In fact, Ferguson said that Inzaghi was born offside because of his ability on scoring in offside position. Recently Mourinho also said that Inzaghi is the man to watch instead of any Milan's players. I also remember once that Wan Jamak stated his intention to sign Inzaghi to play with Negeri Sembilan. I'm not sure if we have enough money to get him and pay his salary.

Marcelo "Dude, we are floating like birds lah!"
Inzaghi "Shut up and pass me the ball!"
This man known as Super Pippo and it really suits him. He is far more better than Superman, Supa-strikas, Super Power, Super Junior, Supernatural or Super Mario. He gets my standing ovation even though I'm not in the stadium, gua bagi standing ovation depan TiVi je dah cukup. Credit to him for scoring goals more than I could ever imagine. Keep on scoring Pippo and I shall give you the honour of 'Legendary Finisher' !!!
Eh, dah senyap. Oh, it's already 1.30 AM. Just now Senawang was bombed with all sort of firecrackers. It's Deepavali. As far as I know, no one gets angry with the annoying sound from firecrackers. This is why Malaysia is awesome to me. Happy Deepavali to all my mates who celebrate it especially to Praveen, Sanjay and Mohan. Tak lupa juga dengan best buddy gua masa sekolah rendah, Thinashvaran. This fella was really good as a goalkeeper. He flies and dives just like that, like a mattress is down there waiting for him. Dah berkurun gua tak jumpa lu macha. Enjoy this awesome clip peeps.

This picture has nothing to do with Inzaghi. I just want to show even in football, you cant run away from getting molested.
This morning we shall have Europa League matches and my Liverpool will be playing against Napoli at Anfield. The regular starters like Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres wont be playing in this important match. A win is the priority to qualify to next round and a boost of confidence to our players. I think it is good to rest them since we will have Chelsea after this for the Premier League. YNWA. Gua tak sabar nak berembat dengan budak-budak Chelsea yang baru je meng-appear-kan diri within these recent years.
The game shall commence at 4.00 in the morning. Gua rasa boleh tidur dulu. Harap alarm gua berjaya meng-alarm-kan diri dengan jayanya.
p/s: Tunggu la Raya Haji ni kang, turn gua pulang bakar mercun. Harap tokan mercun gua ada stok lagi.
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