
Conteng-Conteng Satu

Ada orang suka makan anggur. Ada orang suka tidur tengah hari. Ada orang suka main congkak. Ada orang suka kumpul setem. Ada orang suka filem melayu. Macam-macam orang suka. Gua suka macam-macam. One of it is CONTENG. Yup, when it comes to conteng, I am hardcore. Give me a pen or a pencil, a canvas or anything; I shall draw at least something smaller than your bulu arm-pit.

I started to conteng when I was a kid. It's normal for a kid to have the tendency to conteng on most of the thing. Dinding, meja, kertas mahupun mangkuk toilet. If you go to school, you can see good-looking-menenangkan-memberangsangkan-menyemarakkan-graphics on the wall where most of the students walk in front of it. You can also see nicely-written 'kata-kata semangat' like 'JAGALAH KEBERSIHAN' and 'KANTIN BERSIH, MAKANAN BERKHASIAT, MURID SIHAT', you can see 'MALAYSIAKU GEMILANG' at the office, you can see 'KAMI DATANG DENGAN HARAPAN, PULANG DENGAN KEJAYAAN' in front of the school or maybe 'BUKU ITU SAHABATKU' at the library.

It's normal to have these wonderful words at school. It's good for the kids to be 'brainwashed' by these words for the good of their attitude. I have to say I am one of the kids to be 'brainwashed' by these words. I still remember when I was a kid, my favourite quotation is 'KERETA INI BOLEH MEMBUNUH'. You now kids like to play around inside and outside the school. So when I wanted to cross a road definitely I'll be thinking of that words. It's kinda convincing when you cross a road after several times observing any cars from left to right, right to left and left to right, again.

Enough with this stupid introduction, back to my main intention. I love to draw. To be able to conteng at any places is something pleasurable for me. Masa kecik-kecik gua dah start conteng kat atas meja, kat dinding dan ofkos, dalam toilet. Like I mention earlier, you can see encouraging quotations around the school but when you are in the toilet, it's totally different. Swear words in any languages, funny-looking caricature and dot dot dot.

When I was a kid, I read more comic books than any text books. I prefer to read Mutiara Naga instead of Buku Teks Sains Tahun 3. Spending more times reading comic books than watching television just made me thinking of one impossible ambition. That impossible ambition is to have my own comic book. It may sound 'boleh blah la KeCiK', 'Jangan harap' or maybe 'In your dream' but I made my dream come true. By using a ruler, pen and pencil and an exercise book, I manage to publish my own comic book.

The wrong usage of an exercise book. I turned my Kajian Tempatan exercise book into a-cheap-comic-book. I was at 6 Bestari at that time. Even I spell the name of my class wrongly; BISTARI instead of BESTARI. What an idiot I was. Pathetic.
I dot it just because I like it. I am never too old to do goofy things.

p/s: InsyaAllah, I shall prevail more of my stupidity on conteng-conteng.

8 tukang kipas:


November 24, 2010 at 5:05 AM

hahaha... Hobi aku mse skolah rndh, brtimbun komik cm 2 dlu tp apakn daya x dpt simpan krn kantoi gan mak ghua

  Pert Doherty

November 25, 2010 at 11:14 AM

chik, apesal kehidupan ko ni asyk sama je je ngn aku.. pelik aku.. haha.. aku pn ada koleksi lukisan komik mnggunakan buku sekolah, malah kertas ujian juga ada kartun... hahaha..

p/s: gua nampak lu punya lukisan ada pengaruh akira toriyama.. haha


November 25, 2010 at 6:07 PM

neeysa suka mnconteng dnding rumh n brng2 len kt umh mse kecik2 dlu..haha...dh bsr ckit,buku kwn2 lak jdi mngsa..skrg ni conteng2 n semak2 kn blog org lak..huahuahua


November 26, 2010 at 10:18 PM

Ijat: Yeah, dulu kitorang siap ada persatuan komik sendiri. tapi tak official lah. haha.

Pert: Like I told you before Pert, gua rasa lu adalah jelmaan gua dan gua adalah jelmaan lu.

Yeah, stroke Akira Toriyama paling senang nak apply. Fujio F Fujiko not bad tapi dari dulu gua nak try stroke Tony Wong tak dapat. Dia GODLIKE.

Neeysa: Tak senonoh jgk ko masa kecik-kecik. Haha. Jom conteng lagi!

  Mummy Nana

November 26, 2010 at 10:28 PM

Anak akak pun suka conteng2 nie... Anak akak,kertas dan pen/pensil/crayon mmg xboleh dipisahkan.. suka sgt menyonteng... eh melukis.. boleh abes satu pack kertas A4 tu dlm masa 1 hari jek kalau diberi kebenaran...
Xpe.. akak sokong... insyaallah impian menjadi kenyataan... akak selalu ckp ngan anak akak camtu nanti buat buku sendiri...


November 26, 2010 at 10:43 PM

Yeah, at least by conteng-conteng these kids can release their stress. Mana la tau dia nak eskrem tapi tak dpt so dia lukis la eskrem kan. Bestnye anak2 akak 'well equipped' dengan alatan menconteng. Haha.



November 27, 2010 at 10:21 AM

Waaaaa kena simpan bakat tu tau....saya pun suka conteng2 jugak buku, tapi tangan dah jadi keras. lama x praktis

Meriahnya Aidiladha di Kelantan Edisi Tiga

  Mummy Nana

November 29, 2010 at 5:38 AM

Hahaha.... luahan anak2... mmm.. nanti nak kena check balik lukisan diorg.... tapi lukis lah.. xtentu dpt pun.. ahaks... kat sini nasib baiklah pensil kaler, crayon murah2.... phewww......

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