
You got served Lil Chief!

It was sunny when I woke up and it starting to rain, patut la sedap tido. I look at my watch, 7.00 am? It is to early to wake up for today and I don't know why. Shoot, now I know..gua belum Subuh lagik !!!  

"Dah pukul 7 lah, ko nak Subuh celah mana? Burn je lah..."
"Atuk lu burn..."
"Nak show off pon agak-agak lah"
"Dude, kalau kita solat, tak ada guarantee masuk syurga. Tapi kalau tak solat, guarantee masuk neraka, got it?"

I only have one class for today. The only one-lucky class is Discourse Analysis class. What is that? You go google yourself. As usual, I'm lazy enough to describe things especially on early-stage of waking up. Seriously gua malas. Ok, gua mahu sambung tido.

Hold on KeCiK, few matches regarding Uefa Champions League were held this morning. Lu tak nak usha result ke? Why not..mana tau Barca ngan Menyoo kalah ke.

"Liverpool tahap Europa je bai"
"Shadap. It's still around Europe, haha"

As usual, I check the results at soccernet since they show the result a bit detail than other sites. Gua scroll-scroll down. Dem! Menyoo won. On the 85th minute? Mesti pure luck nih. Standard la Menyoo. Gua scroll lagi, eh...Rubin 1 Barca 1 ?? Waka waka! Both goals were score on penalty? Gua tak puas hati, nak tengok line up. I surf at Goal to check the player ratings.

Haha. Javier Mascherano; flop of the match! Check this out, "after his departure, Barca began to play better"

p/s: Gua puas lalu gua sambung tido. I'm not in deep shit for today since my turn to present on blog analysis is not today, it's gonna be next week. Gua nak wish good luck to Praveen, Wen Yi and others since they are going to present it TODAY. Har Har.

You might like this cheap entry about Lil Chief. Heheh. -------> He was a RED, now he's not.

Liverpool FC 2010-2011

Back Row: Graham Carter (Kit Manager), Chris Morgan (Physiotherapist), Darren Burgess (Head, Fitness and Conditioning), John Achterberg (Goalkeeping Coach), David Ngog, Martin Kelly, Martin Hansen, Brad Jones, Jose Reina, Peter Gulacsi, Sotirios Kyrgiakos, Danny Wilson, Rob Price (Senior Physiotherapist), Phil Coles (Head of Physical Services), Jordan Milsom (Rehab Fitness Coach), Lee Radcliffe (Kit Man).

Middle Row: Ivan Ortega (Physiotherapist), Zaf Iqbal (First Team Doctor), Peter Brukner (Head of Sports Medicine and Sports Science), Mike Kelly (First Team Coach), Jonjo Shelvey, Paul Konchesky, Christian Poulsen, Milan Jovanovic, Maxi Rodriguez, Daniel Pacheco, Nathan Eccleston, Jay Spearing, Sammy Lee (Assistant Manager), Paul Small (Masseur), Alan McCall (Sports Scientist), Andrew Nealon (Senior Physiotherapist).

Front Row: Martin Skrtel, Glen Johnson, Fabio Aurelio, Dirk Kuyt, Joe Cole, Steven Gerrard (Captain), Roy Hodgson (Team Manager), Jamie Carragher, Fernando Torres, Ryan Babel, Daniel Agger, Lucas Leiva, Raul Meireles.

Torres  "KeCiK, where are you?"
KeCiK "Sori dude, I have better things to settle"
Gerrard "Alamak bro, tak best lah kalau lu takde"
KeCiK "Sabar Stevie, next time gua promise gua make myself available for the sake of lu oll k"

  LFC Fixtures 2010-2011

p/s: Tadi gua berbuka ayam KFC. Tak sesia gua tolong format laptop orang. 3 more days and InsyaAllah my Puasa Enam shall complete. Amin.

The Awesomeness of my Abah

Abah gua bukan peminat The Times, harap maklum.

-Pergi sekolah naik sampan. Ada satu hari sampan terbalik. Mujur abah gua tak kurang hebatnya dengan Ian Thorpe. Beliau berenang ke tebing dan terus ke sekolah macam biasa dengan baju yang lencun.

-Pak Cik gua (adik abah gua) pernah kena tahan lokap sebab kes curi beskal kat kampung. Uncle-uncle Polis suruh abah gua jamin dia. Actually  abah boleh je slow talk dengan uncle-uncle tersebut since diorang memang kamcing untuk release adik dia. Guess what, malam tu abah gua datang bawak ubat nyamuk dan lilin je bagi kat adik dia then terus cungkit balik.

"Yabedabedu, bro aku datang nak jamin aku"
"Wak lu, abang datang bawak stok ubat nyamuk ngan lilin je"
"Wat the...??"
"Wat the your head, sapa suruh rembat beskal orang"

Esoknya baru pakcik gua dapat keluar.

Itu kronologi-kronologi sebelum gua lahir. Cekidout kronologi-kronologi masa gua kecik-kecik dan besar-besar till now.

-Bila weekend je mesti abah gua ajak beriadah. Joging itu normal. Main bola dengan abah di hujung minggu sudah menjadi rutin. No wonder gua gila bola. Belum belajar main beskal dah terer ambik free kick.

-Motor legend beliau, Honda C70 pernah kena rembat masa menetap di Shah Alam (lupa aku kat mana tapi kawasan rumah flat). Abah nak pergi kerja. Eh, mana motor gua? Chill. Terus je pergi kerja naik bas mini (dulu kebanyakan bas mini kaler pink. Aku tak faham kenapa pink). Dah sampai tempat kerja baru abah roger mak pasal moto dia kena rembat. Cool sungguh.

Abah and arwah Opah. My bro and me. Gua nangis sebab ada semut api kat kaki gua.

-Jangan terkejut. Gua bukan bukan pembeli-tegar-buku-Mutiara-Naga sebenarnya. Time tu gua tengah main wrestling dengan abang gua and time tu abah gua baru balik dari kerja. Itu hari bersejarah. Abah belikan Mutiara Naga untuk aku. Starting on that moment, habis duit tabung gua kerjakan untuk beli Mutiara Naga dari vol 1 sampai 43.

-Spek mata abah pernah hilang kat Sungai Perak sebab selamatkan aku yang terkapai-kapai di tengah sungai. Gua tengok kawan gua selamba je diving head first ke sungai, gua pon follow. Rupanya gua silap, gua masih amatur. Lucky me, my father was there to save me. Sebenarnya tu kali ke-tiga abah gua selamatkan gua dari lemas di sungai yang sama.

-Solat..solat and solat. Abah taught us to pray 5 times daily, no excuses! I still remember, the first thing I learned from abah regarding solat was Doa Iftitah (besides Al-Fatihah and other ayat lazim). Antara kami adik-beradik, gua lah yang paling lembap nak hafal Doa Iftitah. There was one day Abah asked me to follow him during Magrib prayer. Macam praktikal lah.

"Abah..takde ruang lah nak follow, next time lah" (bilik tu memang kecik sikit)
"Shut your mouth and follow my lead"

So gua follow lah segala rukun-rukun solat (rukuk, sujud, etc) atas KATIL because there is no more space in that room.

-Gua tak dapat pergi kelas agama because of one main reason. Gua suka main and as for that, abah gua yang ajar mengaji. Right after maghrib abah will sit in his room waiting for us (ikut turn, biasa kalau nak tengok TV cepat leh volunteer gi mengaji dulu). Berbekalkan Muqaddam, rehal yang sungguh klasik dan rotan panjangnya dalam sehasta, Abah started his lesson on mengaji Al-Quran and Muqaddam. Macam biasalah, gua paling lama sebab gagap.

-Abah gua seorang Chargeman. He works for Yayasan Negeri Sembilan as an Electrical Chargeman. It means he takes care of the maintanence of a building (air-cond, wiring, lif, lights etc). One day Chegu Kemahiran Hidup suruh gua buat kerja kayu include sekali dengan papan litar. Gua tak faham penggunaan kapasitor, transformer, perintang dan sewaktu dengannya. Gua give up. Gua refer kat abah gua. The next day that papan litar was on the table. Dah siap. Complete siap dengan pateri sekali. Gua tayang kat Chegu dan beliau terus puji "Wow, awak ni macam juruletrik gred A lah"

-Abah taught us to be independent. As independent as possible. He taught me to go to school using bicycle (first day to school by bus, abah followed me using his car until I arrived safely then he went off to his workplace). He taught me to go to any places by bus (masa gua darjah empat, gua pernah gi hospital ambik ubat lelah sorang-sorang menaiki bas awam), he taught me to buy thing using my own money;

"Abah, member angah dah ada lesen"
"Lesen apa?"
"Lesen motor, macam best je gi sekolah bawak motor"
"Ok, berenti sekolah. Gi kerja, dapat gaji gi lah ambik lesen. Kalau ada duit lebih ambik lesen kapal terbang sekali"

Take that KeCiK, on your face!

I have tones of memories with my Abah. Wish I could transfer those memories here. Next time lah.

Rasulullah Saw pernah berkata kepada seseorang, "Kamu dan hartamu adalah milik ayahmu." (Asy-Syafi'i dan Abu Dawud)

p/s: How awesome is/was your dad? Share it with me peeps!

OmaiGod ! Sejuk lak aii

Images by Nazrul Azly Bin Baharuddin

Just sharing pictures of Muslimeen in Khazakhstan doing solat (His guess is it's Friday prayers).

And over here we have many mosques with airconditioning, yet they remain half empty....

Abu Qatasah r.a menceritakan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:"ALLAH berfirman,'Hai Muhammad! Aku telah mewajibkan lima kali solat sehari semalam bagi ummatmu.Aku telah berjanji dengan diriKu barang siapa mengerjakan solatnya pada ketika masuk waktunya,maka dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga. Ummatmu yang tidak menjaga solatnya tidak termasuk dalam perjanjian ini."

p/s: Gua mengaku gua pernah tinggal solat. This is just a reminder for me, for you and others. Solat lah no matter where you are.

Blue Wednesday #8

Date: 29.09.2010 - 29.09.2010
Time: 08.00 PM - 11.00 PM 

Featuring Azmyl Yunor + Mislina Mustaffa + Tshiung Han See + Shh... Diam

Presented by The Annexe Gallery, with support from Central Market

Admission FREE !

Blue Wednesday is a new series of monthly music performances proudly presented by The Annexe Gallery, with the support of Central Market, to provide a platform for music acts to reach out to a wider audience.

For the eighth Blue Wednesday, we are delighted to present singer songwriter Azmyl Yunor + singer actress Mislina Mustaffa + poet Tshiung Han See + indiepunky band Shh... Diam.

Thanks to Shieko for designing the flyers! :-D

Farah - Guitar, Vocals
Yon - Guitar, Vocals
Diyz - Bass, general sexiness
Jellene - Drum, general silliness
Millie - Manager, general managerness


 They have three different flyers. I just want to make this post longer. Haha.

 The other flyer. Ok. Rasa entry ni dah cukup panjang.

For more info log on to ---> AnnexeGallery

p/s: Shoot. Azmyl Yunor lagi. His live performance was awesome back then during KLAB 2010.

YNWA !!!

PakCik perlu sokongan lu oll. Stand beside me and I shall get us on top, again! By the way, PakCik dah lama tak main hujan. So give me some time to enjoy this hujan-moment.

Go home you faceless coward! Go support Chelsea like the rest of the glory chasers! We'll never walk alone!

Lalang please leave the hall. Pak Cik Roy is our gaffer for now. He build the squad with LIMITED budget. That is why we used YNWA as our motto instead of GloryGloryMenYunited or BiruIsTheKaler or whatever.

I'm sick of some who-called-themselves-Kopities whining about our performance. Lucas tahicks lah, diabolical Torres lah, KeCiK tak reti main lah, Reina tak cukup practice lah etc. Take a deep breath and think. How many match did we played? Baru nak masuk double digit. Have patience and I'm sure that they will bounce back. Lu oll nyanyi YNWA kuwat-kuwat amek feel. YNWA !

Jonjo "Chill peeps, pas ni kita main all out in the name of LFC !"
Spearing "Gua dah habis chill ni, sejuk ni bai"

PakCik Sammy "Bos, macam mana nih? Fans dah pissed off nih. Gua ingat lauk kita kang kena carut ngan diorang."
PakCik Roy "Chill Sammy, chill. They are not gloryhunters like Menyoo and others. We are Kopities. Performance is temporary but class is pemanent. Pasni ni gua akan bangkit balik. Kita buat baru.Betul tak Darren?"
PakCik Darren "Gua in-charge in fitness and conditioning, so gua no comment. Sori dude"

p/s: Petang ni gua camping. Tak excited langsung. Mak pesan "kek dalam hutan tu jangan buek gilo, jago sikit peel" Understand mak, angah paham.

Heldrasil - Out Now!

If you are near JB you can get it at RDL DISTRO !!
If you are near SEREMBAN you can get it at Kedai Sopan (TerminalOne) / at Bazar Seremban (behind Gold Lama)
If you are in Bangi, don't shy-shy cat to call ERIK (012 215 6495)
Tempat lain, lum sampai lagi. Kene order melalui Email/SMS/Call

Do visit their websites !!!

For outside Malaysia (oversea), do Email us to order it.


Hold on, Heldrasil who?

Heldrasil was form up in mid 1996 with name of "MYTH". Former lineup was I'DeAL(Guitar), EriK(Guitar), DarkMol(Bass+Vocal), & Mantoya(Drum).

In year 2000 to 2009, they change to "Heldrasil". Their independent walk to underground scene almost came to end because of many internal problem.

But end of 2009 until now, they had archive some target and yet they still continuing to make "Heldrasil" as professional band and standardize in all over the world.

    I'DiL - guitar
    EriK - guitar
    haze~Riff - bass
    Tiger - drummer

    Kimi Haraka - vocal

    +6 019 662 5367

    +6 012 215 6495

    Heldrasil Management

    Melodic Death Metal

    Senawang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia (dokek bai !! haha)

Record Label:
    We are currently looking for label

p/s: I've seen them screaming and kicking at Tampin at the GiG - Sound of Arrgghhhh !!! Masa sound check "Fuhh..melodic siot" dah macam Kalmah or Carcass nih.

Terbaik dari Ladang - Volume Ekstra

25th September 2010

Silverheritage Medan Gopeng

1.30 PM Dead or Alive!

Kill My Bride

Kill My Bride established on 3 December 2007. At first there was 5 members stand in this band, they are Budin as leader, Ejan as drummer, Azhar as bassis, Boy as 2nd guitar and Boy Vespa as vocal. Before Kill My Bride, this band as known as Marry Cookies and play post hardcore music. After that, they had to change their band name and get a new members Fakar, Eday, Andy and Muney. After the changed this band play new age metal. Now they need more gig and support from crowd and more learn about hardcore. Thanks for the support.

They are now writing a completely new set of songs, but due to lack of time and several minor problems, line-up changings, they can't record it yet. However they'll try to record it as soon as posibble.
They invite all of you guys to add them to your friendlists and join them getting on that bandwagon; meanwhile...keep on rocking in the free world! Cya soon in a venue nearby! Dont hesitate to call them for gig invitation or anything.

Location    : Batu Gajah, Malaysia
Phone        : 0134261514
Email         :

This information was taken from their FB page. >>>Kill My Bride


    Mus on Vox
    Shah on 1st Lead Guitar
    Apist on 2nd Lead Guitar
    Wak on Drum
    Khalid on Bass

    Progressive Funk Rock

    Ipoh, Perak

p/s: It's not rock cause you can play the guitar. It's not rock cause you hit the drums. It's not rock cause you're wearing leather. Your spirits is crying, it wants to be free.

Good luck on your UPSR Part II

4 Al-Ghafiqi 2008 (Sek Ren Islam As-Saidiyyah)

Ahmad Hariz Bin Mohd. Hatta
Ahmad Nafis Bin Ibrahim
Aimi Syamimi  Binti  Azman
Ainul Mawaddah Binti Azmi
Ammar Azizi Bin Hasri
Arif Rusyaidi Bin Asdollah
Balqis Nabilah Binti Mohd. Salimin
Farzana Binti Omar
 'Iffah An-Nisa Binti Azhar
Mohamad Adry Aswad
Mohd. Aiman Izzuddin Bin Mohd. Johari
Mohd. Shahrizal Bin Jamaludin
Muhammad Aizat Bin  Idris
Muhammad Nur Arif Bin Ishak
Muhammad Syahmi Aiman Bin Emeran
Muhd. Akmal Qayyum Bin Mohd. Nazri
Muhd. Syahmi Bin  Hamidee
Nur Billah  Binti  Azaman
Nur Farah Adilah Binti Tuan Yahaya
Nur Nadiah Binti  Mohd. Zaki
Nurul Mufidah Binti Ghazali
Puteri Ellfie Natrah Binti Zainal Abidin
Raja Muhammad Ghazi Bin Raja Mahfuzi
Syaqirah Binti  Mohd. Yusof
Syazwan Imran Bin  Idris
Ummu Nusrah Binti Ahmad Fadzly
Zatussyifaa Binti Mohd. Nasaruddin

4 Ar-Razi 2008 (Sek Ren Islam As-Saidiyyah)

Abang Muhd. Hafizuddin Bin Kamaruddin
Abdul Muhaimin Bin Mohd. Roslan
Abdullah Fansuri Bin Roshidi
Ahmad Mustaqeem Bin Ahmad Munawir
Ahmad Shafie Bin  Razali
Eszarien Nur Iman Bin Husin
Faiha Arifah  Binti  Md Amir
Hafni Pohan  Binti  Aslan Pohan
Jafni 'Amirah Binti Rosli
Mohammad Axlauddin Bin Sofien
Mohd. Izzul Aiman Bin Mustapha
Muhamad Naim Bin Saidan
Muhammad Afiq Bin Daud
Muhammad Musa Bin Mohd. Amir
Muqawwam  Bin Abdul Rahman
Nor Syazana Aliyah Binti Norhanizam
Nur Alifa Ilyana Binti Abdullah
Nur Rizwana Sahira Binti Roslan
Nurhusna Binti Zulkifli
Nurul Hidayah Binti Mohd Ibrahim
Nurul Islah Binti Mohd. Shah
Rabiatul Adawiyah Binti Jaafar
Rahmat Bin Hj. Abd. Latip
Raudhah Binti Hj. Abd. Latip
Sofea Areenah Binti Azharan
Sujiyani Binti Hamdan
Wan Muhammad Afiq Bin Wan Azmi

3 Dinamik 2007 (Sek Keb Shah Alam)

Check out gua punya hand-writing. No wonder these kids always complaining 'Sir..tak payah tulis lah, cakap je. Senang paham.' Direct hit beb, adoi.

These kids have the tendency to show the V sign while taking picture. Snap than there goes all type of hand signs. Malaysia aman damai, kan baik begini?

Syafiq (1st from the right) was the class monitor. He smiles in this picture. Apart from that, he cries more than you could imagine.

I was your Muallim and I was your Sir. As for that, thanks for giving me the chance to be your Muallim and Sir. Thanks for the best, the worst and everything. Thank you SRIAS. Thank you SKSA. Jawab exam paper betul-betul. Baca Bismillah+selawat sebelum bukak exam paper. Jawab semua soalan. Jangan biar tempat kosong. Jangan meniru. Dah siap baru boleh tido. Habis exam main lah puas-puas.

p/s: Seriously, I'm dying to see you all. You kids taught me something special. NEVER grow up. I pray for your success. Belajar rajin-rajin. Jangan lupa main bola petang-petang dan jangan merempit.

Nani - The Real Cheat

Sir Alex said "I've watched it and Torres made a meal out of it, he made an absolute meal of it to try to bla...bla...bla...bla...bla and another bla...bla...bla..."

Abah lu.

Then what is this?

Nani "that's what I roll" Owned!

PakCik Roy said "I prefer to talk about the game and talk about issues that interest me," he said. "Sir Alex is entitled to any opinion he wants to have but I'm not going to come here and say I agree or disagree"

Gotcha! On your face Fergie!

p/s: I woke up and the thing came up in my mind was assignment. Horror gila. It's like a nightmare.

Meor & Friends Live at Annexe

Saturday, September 25 · 8:00pm - 11:30pm

Annexe Gallery, Central Market, Kuala Lumpur

Meor Yusof Azidin

Meor, whose artistry is imbued with earthy values, has been writing original songs since 1984. His music, which is at once thoughtful and thought-provoking, deals with society's struggles and matters of the heart, soul and spirit. His seminal influences include Indonesian song-poet Iwan Fals and legendary singer-songwriters like Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens and Nick Drake. He has made several albums to date, includin...g the critically acclaimed 'Itu Padang… Aku Di Situ' and 'Dari Rakyat Untuk Rakyat'. At the show, Meor will be backed by Paul Millott on drums, Jazlan Norman on bass and RS on guitars.

Also featuring Azmyl Yunor & band, Cats In Love, Archtop Soul.

The concert will be recorded (A/V) using vintage gear, including tube amps from the '60s, and released as a CD/DVD package later this year.

Admission by donation.

KeCiK: Wish I can attend this event but harapan tinggal harapan. Got this camping with Kelana Siswa at the end of this week. I've seen Azmyl Yunor before during KLAB 2010 at the same place. I did two posts about this event. Archtop Soul? No idea. :) Cats In Love? Wewitttt !!! My favourite song is Puteh Jerneh and Cant See Love. It was 2005 when I listen to them, classic dowh.

Wanna listen to them? The hell are you waiting for, download it now!

Enjoy !

This information was taken from public event on FB. Cekidout ! -----> Meor & Friends

Only on RAYA

-You can see few Bangladeshi or Pakistani hugging and kissing each other. I mean sentuh-sentuh pipi right after Solat Sunat Aidilfitiri.
-You can see a father and his son wearing the same Baju Melayu. Se-fesyen, cute isn't it?
-Jalan-jalan kampung filled with Mat Rempits with colourful baju melayu. Some of them wear Ray Ban.
-"Raya" on everything. Ringtone Raya. Langsir+cadar+carpet Raya. 99% of the songs played on the radio are Raya songs.
-Kids claiming their long-awaited upah for full puasa. Those days I got a ringgit for a day. 30 hari=30 ringgit. WoW, kaya! Leh beli Dash Yankuro satu.
-You can see few people arrived late for the Solat Sunat with their selamba face.

"Eh...awat lepas khutbah depa cungkit?"
" Solat Sunat Aidilfitri lah, solat dulu baru khutbah"


-You can see some actors/actresses like Farid Kamil, Diana Danielle, KeCiK, Awal Ashaari etc holding microphone and sing some Raya songs. Some of them may hold a cute-tiny-little note which they think others can't see it. Mana la tau kot-kot terlupa lirik. Dude, I can see it obviously.
-Time ni lah lu oll boleh tengok artis-artis AF yang dah keluar di minggu-minggu awal buat cameo kat certain program hiburan. Contoh; Rumah Terbuka AF, AF Raya or AF whatever.
-Most all programs were shown in Raya format. Such as;

Jangan Lupa Lirik Raya
NoNa Raya
Geng Bas Sekolah Beraya Lagi
Mentor Raya
Puaka Niyang Rapik Raya Sakan
Raya bersama Gadis Melayu
Did I already mentioned about any AF Programmes? :)

Asal raya ada nyanyi, asal nyanyi je ada raya.
Asal raya ada hiburan, asal hiburan je ada raya.
Asal raya ada movie, asal movie je ada raya.
(tema movie tahun ni cite horror, perasan tak?)

Nowadays people tend to think that Raya is the time to enjoy. Hepi sana, hepi sini. Just take a minute to at least, thinking about the awesomeness of Ramadhan instead of Syawal.

p/s: Gua rindu zaman pagi raya ada tunjuk sarkas. Rasa pissed off masih membara tatkala terkenang kembali kekalahan Liverpool kelmarin. Selamat Hari Raya ke-sebelas.

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Kalah lagi

Kalah lagi.

p/s: Kalah lagi.

Mespes story #2 - User yang tipikal

She/He has 87,479+ friends on her/his account, and 90% of them are desperate men/women.

"thanks for the add!"
"Hit me back!" 
"Comment my new pic!"
"Omg! new pix! new pix! new pix! plz comment!"

They have this tendency to take picture of themselves. Here are their regular pose.
-mata terbeliak sambil gigit bibir. sure cute, especially girls. laki tengok muka jgk, kalo muka macan Lotter AF mesti bole pergi jauh.
-buat-buat tak pandang lens so that people will think others took the picture. Bro, tengok angle dah tau lah.
-Pegang teddybear. Pegang baby. Indirectly ke-cute-an that teddybear and the baby could act as the driving force of their picture. Takde teddybear? baby? bantal pon jadi lah.
-Ambik gambar depan cermin. Cermin toilet pon jadi lah. Kadang-kadang ambik sorang2. Kadang-kadang ambik ramai2, sorang pegang kamera then snap.
-Tangkap gambar kaki (teringat aku masa nak main galah panjang, nak bahagi team kena kira kaki)
-Tangkap gambar tangan, buat V sign, kumpul ramai then nmpk macam bintang.

*I have an artificial mespes account. To make it specific, I am a 'girl' in as in that account. Here's what I encounter everytime I log in.

Joe: wt pew u ckunk dh mum kew lum? u umo brp?
Lis:  done. im 26 (saja letak tua sikit, nak tgk tahap desperate mamat nih)
Joe: owhhhh. u dok mne?
Lis: shah alam, section 13
Joe: ok. mlm nie dyg jmpe u. u bg la no fon u (wadda? asking for fon no?)
Lis: fon? wat for?
Joe: nk cll la.
Lis: impossible. i wont giv fon no to stranger
Joe: npe plak? x fhm la u. u terus terang jew.
Lis: stranger = orang asing/tak kenal. got it?
Joe: awk x pyh speking ok awk kn org malay
Lis: so the fact is; if im a malay I cant speak in English?
Joe: mls la nk layan

Amek kau. Gua baru intro lu dah back-off. Gila desperate lu bro.

Agak-agak lu ramai tak aweks comment pic nih?
U dun worry lah. sure they comment. jgn lupa buat pose yang aku ajar.
Ok2. tak sabar aku nak upload nih.
Haha. aku pon.

p/s: Everytime I log into my 'artificial' mespes account, there's always these friend requests. Check out my latest friends, 1080 in a YEAR. My original account is just around 200+ and it's been 3 years.

You might like to read this crap, Mespes story #1 - Status of The Day 

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Baru nak tekan shutdown teringat plak assignments

Wish my lecturer can accept this kind of reason. I am too-dem-lazy to start on a single assingment. Gila malas. 300 words = 1 page. 5000 words? Banyak bai, mana nak cari.

p/s: Ok KeCiK, chill. Turn off your brain, go to sleep. Besok baru decide nak buat ke tak.

Europa League Group Stage; Liverpool 4 - 1 Steaua Bucuresti

Interesting line-up, three youngsters; Kelly, Spearing and Ngog. We still have the likes of Jonjo, Pacheco and Eccleston on the bench. Oh, I forgot to mention Lucas.
Early goal. Lucky sungguh. Baru nak bancuh air.
Sloppy defending. Spearing tergolek and Kyrgiakos was too slow.
We relied too much on Joe Cole. No spark of creativity. Yang lain buat apa?
Babel and Ngog, what were you doing? First touch sungguh awful.

Konchesky's free kick was no where near the goal post. Dreadful.
Nothing spectacular from Spearing and Raul in term of offensive and attacking. Ada la satu-dua through pass.
I just noticed Reina is the skipper after 20 minutes watching that match.

Inexperienced Kelly, muka macam gabra. Chill lah.
No one to support when we were attacking.
Come on Pak Cik Roy, do something !

p/s for the first half: Ada can tengok Pacheco main.

Eh, started already. Baru nak tukar status FB.
Rasa tak sedap hati melihat Lucas berlari-lari anak di tepi padang.
A good start for the second half. Well don Soto, thanks for your foward run.
Ngog scored and boost his confidence. Better performance from this lad. Macam ni lah.
Awful Babel. Pak Cik Roy should replace him with me. No way, in your dream KeCiK.

Hardworking Spearing. It's like watching a toyol with wearing something running on the field.
Half of the Reds players are baldies; Konchesky, Spearing, Joe Cole, Ngog, Babel and Reina.
Reina should bring a chair, read newspaper and drink some coffee.
There he goes, Lucas in, Babel out.
OMG, Lucas scored a wonderful goal. I take back what I said about him. Hands off. That was awesome.

Ilie Dumitrescu, Steaua's gaffer was cool (or clueless). Minum air. Senyum. Minum air lagi. Senyum lagi.
YaY, there goes our youngsters, Pacheco and Eccleston. Melepas nak tengok Jonjo main.
Ngog scored his first brace for this season. Well done. This is AnNgog.
The results, 4-1. Now I can sleep peacefully.

Influential players: Joe Cole and Jay Spearing.
Nothing-to-do player: Pepe Reina.
Worst performer: Ryan Babel
Best commentator: KeCiK

p/s: It's been two weeks. I haven't started yet on my assignments. KeCiK, please wake up.

I rap it up with Lucas's celebration. This is rare, you cant see him as enjoy as this so often. Reminds me of my man, Luis Garcia. Enjoy Lucas, enjoy.

Selamat Hari Raya ke LAPAN

I've been wandering all around the globe. Bored and got nothing to do. As usual, I did some effort-less belog-walking. Eh, I ter-belog-walking at this blog, Johan230184 . Guess what I found? a cover Raya song by Zee Avi. Personally I think that this is better than 'Indie' raya songs. Thanks Zee Avi. You just made my day.

I was bloody-bored-tahap-dewataraya, waiting for my team playing against Steaua Bucuresti. Dem, Silva scored his first goal. Ayam la plak Salzburg nih. Whatever. Apart from that, I still have plenty of assignments to do, fakap shyt. Give me 5 minutes, I'll decide. To do or not to do.

p/s: Suasana di Hari Raya by Anuar & Ellina is still my favourite. Classic siut.

Malaysian Cup; Kelantan 0 Negeri Sembilan 1

GameCard Piala Malaysia 2010: Edisi 14-09-2010.

Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah, kita menang dalam perlawanan pembukaan.
Kesebelasan utama: 14 Sep: KEL 0 - 1 NSE


Sani Anuar (PG), Tengku Qayyum Ubaidillah, Kunalan, Mohd Aidil Zafuan, Shahurain, Mohd Shukor, Qhairul Anwar, Idris, Norizam, Abdul Halim, Rezal Zambery (KP)

Pertukaran pemain
1. Norizam >keluar> Rajesh <
2. Shahurain >keluar> Hong Aik <

Penjaring gol1. 75' Abdul Halim (Penalti)

Kad Kuning
1. Rajesh
2. Sani Anuar

Dikemaskini pada 14 September 2010 jam 23:48.

credit Fai Lima

 I text my buddy from Tanah Merah, he's my rival since he supports Kelantan and Mengchester United.

"Ekau jangan baka stadium lak, xdo guno baka stadium sendiri poit"

and he replied

"Aku tak bakar stadium, aku bakar player n9. Stok mercun ada lagi ni. Ref tu pon bengong gi bagi penalti"

Sori dude, we are the winners. Haha, no offense. Take note, this conversation between these two buddies are created to stimulate fun. Macam biasa.

NEXT !!!

 All pictures and info were taken from n9futbol Facebook. Tengkiu many-many!

p/s: Meh ghayo kek stadium TAR jemaat nih!

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