-You can see few Bangladeshi or Pakistani hugging and kissing each other. I mean sentuh-sentuh pipi right after Solat Sunat Aidilfitiri.
-You can see a father and his son wearing the same Baju Melayu. Se-fesyen, cute isn't it?
-Jalan-jalan kampung filled with Mat Rempits with colourful baju melayu. Some of them wear Ray Ban.
-"Raya" on everything. Ringtone Raya. Langsir+cadar+carpet Raya. 99% of the songs played on the radio are Raya songs.
-Kids claiming their long-awaited upah for full puasa. Those days I got a ringgit for a day. 30 hari=30 ringgit. WoW, kaya! Leh beli Dash Yankuro satu.
-You can see few people arrived late for the Solat Sunat with their selamba face.
"Eh...awat lepas khutbah depa cungkit?"
"Bro..ni Solat Sunat Aidilfitri lah, solat dulu baru khutbah"
-You can see some actors/actresses like Farid Kamil, Diana Danielle,
-Time ni lah lu oll boleh tengok artis-artis AF yang dah keluar di minggu-minggu awal buat cameo kat certain program hiburan. Contoh; Rumah Terbuka AF, AF Raya or AF whatever.
-Most all programs were shown in Raya format. Such as;
Jangan Lupa Lirik Raya
NoNa Raya
Geng Bas Sekolah Beraya Lagi
Mentor Raya
Puaka Niyang Rapik Raya Sakan
Raya bersama Gadis Melayu
Did I already mentioned about any AF Programmes? :)
Asal raya ada nyanyi, asal nyanyi je ada raya.
Asal raya ada hiburan, asal hiburan je ada raya.
Asal raya ada movie, asal movie je ada raya.
(tema movie tahun ni cite horror, perasan tak?)
Nowadays people tend to think that Raya is the time to enjoy. Hepi sana, hepi sini. Just take a minute to at least, thinking about the awesomeness of Ramadhan instead of Syawal.

p/s: Gua rindu zaman pagi raya ada tunjuk sarkas. Rasa pissed off masih membara tatkala terkenang kembali kekalahan Liverpool kelmarin. Selamat Hari Raya ke-sebelas.
2 tukang kipas:
September 20, 2010 at 10:48 AM
sabar je la. manusia macam2 pesen. sabar la ek berbatov hattrick smalam. heheh
September 20, 2010 at 3:23 PM
terer la plak mamat tu. mcm biasalah,dulu maki berba skrg bow-down kat dia. memang lalang. haha..
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