She/He has 87,479+ friends on her/his account, and 90% of them are desperate men/women.
"thanks for the add!"
"Hit me back!"
"Comment my new pic!"
"Omg! new pix! new pix! new pix! plz comment!" They have this tendency to take picture of themselves. Here are their regular pose.
-mata terbeliak sambil gigit bibir. sure cute, especially girls. laki tengok muka jgk, kalo muka macan Lotter AF mesti bole pergi jauh.
-buat-buat tak pandang lens so that people will think others took the picture. Bro, tengok angle dah tau lah.
-Pegang teddybear. Pegang baby. Indirectly ke-cute-an that teddybear and the baby could act as the driving force of their picture. Takde teddybear? baby? bantal pon jadi lah.
-Ambik gambar depan cermin. Cermin toilet pon jadi lah. Kadang-kadang ambik sorang2. Kadang-kadang ambik ramai2, sorang pegang kamera then snap.
-Tangkap gambar kaki (teringat aku masa nak main galah panjang, nak bahagi team kena kira kaki)
-Tangkap gambar tangan, buat V sign, kumpul ramai then nmpk macam bintang.
*I have an artificial mespes account. To make it specific, I am a 'girl' in as in that account. Here's what I encounter everytime I log in.
Joe: wt pew u ckunk dh mum kew lum? u umo brp?
Lis: done. im 26 (saja letak tua sikit, nak tgk tahap desperate mamat nih)
Joe: owhhhh. u dok mne?
Lis: shah alam, section 13
Joe: ok. mlm nie dyg jmpe u. u bg la no fon u (wadda? asking for fon no?)
Lis: fon? wat for?
Joe: nk cll la.
Lis: impossible. i wont giv fon no to stranger
Joe: npe plak? x fhm la u. u terus terang jew.
Lis: stranger = orang asing/tak kenal. got it?
Joe: awk x pyh speking ok awk kn org malay
Lis: so the fact is; if im a malay I cant speak in English?
Joe: mls la nk layan
Amek kau. Gua baru intro lu dah back-off. Gila desperate lu bro.

Agak-agak lu ramai tak aweks comment pic nih?
U dun worry lah. sure they comment. jgn lupa buat pose yang aku ajar.
Ok2. tak sabar aku nak upload nih.
Haha. aku pon.
p/s: Everytime I log into my 'artificial' mespes account, there's always these friend requests. Check out my latest friends, 1080 in a YEAR. My original account is just around 200+ and it's been 3 years.
You might like to read this crap, Mespes story #1 - Status of The Day
6 tukang kipas:
September 19, 2010 at 2:08 AM
haks3.. pic yg terbaek dari ladang~
September 19, 2010 at 2:45 AM
bukan slalu ada can meng-appear-kan diri kat sini. they shud proud wearing those otromen mask. haha.
September 19, 2010 at 12:51 PM
sengal gler entry neh..
September 19, 2010 at 4:04 PM
siapa mkn cili, dia terasa hot-hotnya. haha.
September 19, 2010 at 6:12 PM
dis is total reality dude.
mcm buat sociology research plak buat fake account and tengok reaction!cool!hehe.
and inilah kenapa ak tak brapa sokong adik2 gals muda join social networks. theres lots of bad people out there.
September 19, 2010 at 7:47 PM
yeah dude, social network is gud but it depends on the user him/herself. nak cari kwn? why not tp bukan cari kwn based on the look, physical apperance. asal hensem/cute konpem fren rmi. tu yg aku jeles. haha...
fake account dah 1000+ frens, the real account baru nak msk 200. :)
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