"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth."
Author : Hiromu Arakawa
Artist : Hiromu Arakawa
Click on this to read ---> OneManga-Full Metal Alchemist
"Dude, you are already 24."
"So? An adult reading a comic book is wrong?"
"Macam budak-budak lah"
"Aku peduli apa"
"Baca lah bahan berunsur ilmiah sikit"
"Sekarang cuti sem lah, naik sem kang aku baca la balik"
"Tak cool lah orang tua baca komik"
"Cool ke..mat kool ke..I got no problem with that"
"Ntah apa yang best la baca menatang ni"
"Best sial, lagi best dari buku teks add math form 5"
"Yeah, I have to agree on this one, those books suck"
"Memang la suck sebab ko bodoh math"
"Kantoi la bangang.."
"Then stop it. You are the one disturbing me"
Satu lagi dialog bodoh yang direka demi memanjangkan post ini. Tengkiu many-many for reading this crap.
"So? An adult reading a comic book is wrong?"
"Macam budak-budak lah"
"Aku peduli apa"
"Baca lah bahan berunsur ilmiah sikit"
"Sekarang cuti sem lah, naik sem kang aku baca la balik"
"Tak cool lah orang tua baca komik"
"Cool ke..mat kool ke..I got no problem with that"
"Ntah apa yang best la baca menatang ni"
"Best sial, lagi best dari buku teks add math form 5"
"Yeah, I have to agree on this one, those books suck"
"Memang la suck sebab ko bodoh math"
"Kantoi la bangang.."
"Then stop it. You are the one disturbing me"
Satu lagi dialog bodoh yang direka demi memanjangkan post ini. Tengkiu many-many for reading this crap.
p/s: It would be awesome if I have the power of alchemy. Tak payah kumpul duit beli rumah. Sendiri bikin.
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