
FIFA Mangkuk Dunia 2010 Fantasy Football

Forget about who won the Champions League
Forget about who won the NBA finals
Forget about who won gold medals in KIA X-Games
Forget about who won French Open
Forget about idea.

Waiting for WC 2010? Hell yeah, it pisses me off. It gets on my nerve counting the days. What should you do? You guys should burn those times in front of your PC, laptop, i-Phone or whatever to create and manage your team to compete in my league.

Takde PC? Laptop? Takde duit? Kopak? Pokai? Awek kikis duit lu all? Rest assure, pinjam atau curi rm1 dari kenalan-kenalan anda. Singgah sebentar di cyber cafe berdekatan. Cakap dengan pekerja kedai tersebut, "Bang, PC yang tu rm1". Setel kan? Jangan lupa ganti balik duit yang anda curi atau pinjam tadi.

Why should I play McDonald’s FIFA World Cup Fantasy?
It’s competitive, it’s free to play, it’s packed with prizes and it makes watching FIFA World Cup matches even more exciting.

To register your fantasy team now, click on this link;

If you have balls, join this mattafacka league.
Liga Odourless Fart - 438057-101672

Hadiah bagi juara liga;
Penginapan selama-lamanya dirumah sendiri.
Kad topup bernilai rm10 sumbangan Zainab & Co.
Sekampit gula pasir sumbangan Kedai Runcit Hj Yahya

Liga kawan-kawan:

Dont let yourself into a state of wtf-ness when;

"damn...apsal aku tak ambik player nih?"
"beli mahal-mahal tapi haram sebijik pon tak score!!!"
"wtf, kalau tau baik aku ambik player ni."

Jangan biarkan mulut anda terpacul dialog-dialog di atas. Pilih lah tanpa was-was.

Apa pandang-pandang? Lu dah register belum?

p/s: Jangan bazirkan masa anda bermain farmville, cafeworld, mafiawars mahupun melayari laman web porno. Persembahkan skill-skill management anda tanpa rasa shy-shy cat. Harap maaf di atas penggunaan kata-kata kesat, tatabahasa yang salah dan unpleasant grammar.

1 tukang kipas:

  cEritA kU

June 30, 2010 at 5:05 AM

ko nie memang typea`ctiv!!!!!!!!!!

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