What are the things that pop out in your spacious brain when you see this;

"WoW, hundred? seratus?"
"Yup, it's a hundred"
"Banyak poit yang terpacul dalam arkib kepala gua nih"
"Name it you moron, gua tak suruh lu banyak cakap"
"Ok ok, chill lah. Ni gua nak senaraikan lah ni"
Bangganya gua dapat bergambar bersama signboard 100plus. Dua lak tu.
Lorong Seratus Tahun?
Lorong Seratus Tahun, which means "hundred-year lane" is a small lane in George Town. It runs from Selangor Road to Naning Street. According to unverified sources, the lane was named after an elderly woman who lived to a hundred.
Lorong Seratus Tahun is famous for the coffee shop that sells the Best Curry Mee in Penang. It is located at the junction with Naning Street.
Cintaku Seratus Persen?
100 marks for your exam paper?
When I was a kid, getting full marks for mathematics paper was fucking easy. Few years later the highest marks that I got for Modern Math was 40%, more or less. Gua memang tak suka math.
100 rupiah?
How much will you get if you convert it to ringgit?
Check it out on your own. Haha.
Meter motor EX5 anda?
Gigi depan gua pernah patah sebab bawak basikal BMX gua yang kaler biru dalam kelajuan 100km sejam. Gua langgar bonggol, hilang kontrol. Langgar divider than....tragis!
Sorry for making you idiots reading this cheap entry for this long. Congratulations for making it here. Gua nak bagi standing ovation kat lu olls. Clap-clap. None of the things mentioned aboved are related with my intention on posting this such cheap-needless entry. Gua mintak maap many-many. Actually I just want to promote an awesome blog where we share things together. One creative fella had this idea "One Blog, Hundred Writers". This is what he said in that blog;
"Tujuan blog ini diwujudkan ialah untuk memberi kesempatan kepada 100 orang editor bergabung bersama-sama. Kesemua editor ini boleh menulis entry untuk apa jenis isi kandungan sekalipun. Bebas membincangkan hal isu semasa, tutorial, promosi blog, promosi produk, promosi affiliate, bisnes online dan sebagainya. Juga boleh menggunakan blog ini sebagai pengumuman kepada update terkini di blog masing-masing yang sedia ada (ala-ala sinopsis/ringkasan beserta backlink ke blog anda sendiri)"
"Jadi jika anda juga seorang yang tidak mempunyai masa untuk menyelenggara satu blog sendiri, maka blog www.100penulis.com inilah jawapannya. Hanya taip dan tekan publish. Mudah kan? Selain dari menjimatkan masa, kita semua boleh berkongsi trafik/pelawat"
Ok Admin. Gua dah promote blog nih. Konsider esemen no. 3 dah setel lah kan? Haha.
Klik on this lovely one hundred to see the awesomeness of this blog.
p/s: Hey, I am one of those lucky editors lah! Haha. Tengkiu Admin for deliberately choosing me!
p/s: Hey, I am one of those lucky editors lah! Haha. Tengkiu Admin for deliberately choosing me!
13 tukang kipas:
October 8, 2010 at 2:26 PM
Sgt bertuah menjadi salah seorang editor 100 penulis!
Bangga kan?
October 8, 2010 at 2:26 PM
Sgt bertuah menjadi salah seorang editor 100 penulis!
Bangga kan?
October 8, 2010 at 5:55 PM
Told ya, we r those damn-lucky editors! haha..
aku dah bgtau this gud news kat mak aku tp dia reply "belog nih menatang apa?"
October 10, 2010 at 12:33 PM
haha. menatang paling best untuk anak mak abad ni.
jawab cenggitu la. moga dia faham :P
October 15, 2010 at 10:22 PM
waaa. suka entry ni! :P
October 19, 2010 at 12:12 AM
Haha, teng-kiu. Gua juga suka bila ader orang komen entry nih! :)
October 20, 2010 at 5:05 PM
sedang blogwalking..nice entry la kawan!haha..tapi macam kiut lak bila teringat patah gigi nek beskal..
latest entry: http://kujiey6466.blogspot.com/2010/10/konvokesyen-part-1-oh-yeah.html
October 21, 2010 at 2:47 AM
tak kiut weh. tak macho langsung. hilang prospek kualiti maskulin aku. haha.
October 21, 2010 at 3:19 AM
aku pon salah sorang penulis 100 penulis....
best kan dapat admin yang sempi..layan kerenah aku nih..hehehe :P
latest entri:
program melancong ke bulan oleh angkasawan
negara ke-2 jadi ke tak nie?
October 25, 2010 at 10:41 AM
yang seratus persen tu patut bawak ke karoke besok nih hehe...bdw..salam perkenalan bro!
latest entry: http://petisuaraku.blogspot.com/2010/10/siri-cerita-yang-cutting-edge-ini-satu_25.html
October 26, 2010 at 8:10 AM
Comel jek entry berserta gambar2 yg tak relevan tapi ada perkataan 100 eh no 100... hahahah...
Akak suka...
Latest entry: http://mummynana.blogspot.com/2010/10/kitchen-by-nigella-lawson.html
October 26, 2010 at 8:58 AM
punyalah panjang introduction pasal 100 kan. ini rupa2nya. ehehe.. anyway. sama la kita ni editor yang delibarately choosen by admin. haha..
Latest entry:
p/s kalau tak faham. sila la bertanya :P
October 26, 2010 at 12:50 PM
singgah sebentar.. check as6 hehe
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