Gua bukan apa.
Gua memang nak tulis.
Rant here, rant there.
Bullshit sana, bullshit sini.
Despite abundance of idea on ranting and bullshitting...
Frankly speaking...
Gua memang malas nak tekan itu, tekan ini.
Serius malas.
Malas nak mampus.
Naik semester gua cuba hapdate belog bodoh ni.
Malas betul
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Friday, August 19, 2011 exactly at pukul - 11:36 PM
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Tuesday, May 17, 2011 exactly at pukul - 1:24 AM
p/s: Lǎnduò
Flash Mob - Spot the difference
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Wednesday, April 20, 2011 exactly at pukul - 10:41 AM
"What telah happen man, why suddenly you seem to be interested in this thing?"

Last week on Saturday, 16th April, exactly at 5PM I went to Masjid Jamek just to see a protest against the media organized by Platform.AM. Technically I involved in this so-called-protest but I wasn't part of the major protesters. I sat just near the main road in front of LRT station, grab my newspaper and read it upside down. There were few people doing the same thing in the middle of the main road and the other side of the road. Then, few Malaysians approached me;
"Bang, abang baca paper terbalik ni..."
I smile at them.
"Oh, ni yang sama macam kat seberang jalan tu ke..."
We stop reading and went to Masjid India since gua belum Asar lagi. Then gua balik. Bajet dah contribute le tu? Keh keh keh.
Few days later a video was uploaded by TVSelangor regarding the protest. Nice. Platform.AM also uploaded few pictures about it. I didn't know that they were doing it at KLCC too. I thought they were doing it near Masjid Jamek only. Kool mang!
Initially this entry isn't all about the protest, I just want to highlight something regarding some Malaysians who have negative perspective and perception on this matter. This is the video about the protest and have a look at those comments.
Ini tanah kita...tapi kita rela berkongsi...jgn sampai hak kita tergadai...xmalu kew ngn ank cucu nti ko wt perangai bodoh...lebih baik KAU yg bodoh baca tebalik ngn tukang spray tu fikir balik..apa yang dh buat tu berbaloi kew??
Mcm org gila pun ada...meroyan kot...
Berapa la upah kat budak-budak tu....aku pun nk jgk...
Melayu bodoh untung tak seberapa sanggup jadi alat Ultra Kiasu.
Nie jenis budak tak lepas tadika ...baca terbalik.
I am fine with these comments because I believe everyone has their own perspective, idea, and perception but this entry doesn't stop here. Now please have a look at this video on Justin Bieber Flash Mob Malaysia performing at Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur. Mind if you read the comments too?
This is awesome!!!!!!
Wow..this is so cool!!
Thats fuckin awesome :)
This is so cool.. how do people organize these things?!
They're so excited! haha soo cute!
Let's do it!
OH MY I LOVE THIS... can you please upload the whole song here on youtube pwease... im begging on my knees.
Bak kata Nabil, lu pikir la sendiri. Assalamualikum.
p/s: Pagi pagi dah rage sebab tadi masa belajar parking kereta, semua tiang gua langgar. Cis.
Wish I have RM5000
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Tuesday, April 19, 2011 exactly at pukul - 2:21 AM
This time Frinjan was held at Laman Budaya Shah Alam, not at Dataran Shah Alam like they always did. Frinjan yang lepas lepas gua macam biasalah, jadi pengunjung biasa, lepak lepak, chill chill layan live performance, usha buku buku, cd-cd yang best memang gua rembat. But this time I was technically part of it. Gua diberi amanat untuk jaga ChowKit Kita booth on that day.
"ChowKit Kita, what the hell is that man?"
"Berbuih sial gua nak cerita kat lu, gi tengok sendirilah !!!" ---> CKK

FYI, the theme for Phase 2 is FOOD IN CHOW KIT. There will be a t-shirt/tote bag printing station, performances, eating, photo studio, exhibition, info & registration BUT no street theater this time.
The event started at 5, macam biasa petang petang orang tak ramai sangat. Time tu baru gua imagine kalau gua ada PSP, boleh juga gua tekan-tekan apa yang patut. Gua dah jemu main snake kat henpon nokia gua. Bosan. Pukul 7 gua capai baju pagoda yang gua bawak, Maghrib. Takkan gua nak Maghrib pakai baju Pikachu yang gua pakai, nanti Tok Siak masjid tak bagi masuk.

Gua segan tengok ramai jemaah lengkap dengan kopiah, serban dan berjubah walhal gua hanya berseluar jean hitam berbaju pagoda. Nasib baik gua ada jambang, nampak la sikit gaya pemuda Muslim yang cekal menunaikan ibadat tak kira di mana jua beliau berada. Keh keh keh.
Selesai Maghrib gua gerak balik ke Frinjan. A-ha, ramai pon orang. Baru gua semangat nak cari volunteer volunteer untuk fasa kedua Pesta CKK. To tell you the truth, I'm not good on convincing people to join certain occasion or event but lucky me, Iqa was there. She speaks pung pang dentam dentum and guess what, dah dapat 2-3 orang. Apa fungsi gua? I tried very hard to 'recruit' few volunteers but at some point, even I don't understand what in the hell I was doing. Gua sendiri pening. Nasib baik lu ada Iqa, kalau gua sorang sorang jaga booth, gua yakin amat booth tu tutup awal gara-gara cara gua menarik pengunjung. Tak sesia lu dapat action figure Star Wars tu kan? Cis. Unfair sungguh.

Gua bukan nak kecoh pasal benda tu semua. Gua cuma nak kecoh pasal benda nih. Besides us, they were many booths opened on that day like Bijou Bazaar, Morning Rockey, Distro Buku and Toy Rebels. Gua nak highlight satu booth ni je, Toy Rebels.
Toyrebels is an online retail store owned and operated by Jayline Marketing Sdn Bhd (916211-M), a registered private limited company located in Malaysia.
Their goal is to provide you top-notch customer service with fast shipping and reasonable prices. The bottom line is, they have a passion for what they do and hopefully the customers will enjoy every shopping experience they have with them.
Why I wish I have RM5000?
Gua memang jaki tengok mainan. Apatah lagi mainan yang real. Toy Rebels presented some of my favorite toys like the swords from Lord of The Ring (Gimli Battle Axe and Staff of Gandalf were there too!), Thundercats, Pirates of Caribbean, Conan the Barbarian and many more toys.
With RM5000 I will be able to sapu and rembat some of those toys. Dalam dompet gua ada 30 hengget je. Cis.
Takkan nak jual ex5 gua pulak, nanti gua nak balik naik apa? nak pergi kelas naik apa?
Dem, wish I have lima ribu ringgit. Lima ribu je untuk puaskan nafsu gila gua.
p/s: Next Frinjan will be held at Kompleks Belia & Kebudayaan Selangor on May 7th. The likes of Beeha, Wani Ardy, Komunis Puitis, Gloria, Sekumpulan Orang Gila, Round Robin, Catatan Ilustrasi and others will be there too. Apart from that, a friendly football match between Frinjan and Sokernet will be held too, InsyaAllah.
King Kenny FTW
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Monday, April 18, 2011 exactly at pukul - 8:00 PM
Credit to 17 year old Robinson for making his first start in senior squad for this season. Lu memang osem. Same goes to Flanagan. Lu memang ganas, you even injured your skipper in this game.
Rahang lu macam mana Carra?
p/s: I guess few people just discovered something unnecessary in this cheap blog. Jangan kecoh kecoh ok.
0 tukang kipas Labels: King Kenny, Liverpool FC
Pekan Frinjan 19 edisi Talenta Muda + Bijou Bazaar
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Thursday, April 7, 2011 exactly at pukul - 11:06 PM
TARIKH : 9 APRIL 20111
MASA : 5.00pm - 12.00am
5 petang
7 malam
Come to KL Krash Pad and engage in art lessons, drama workshops, dance classes, sports and educational activities or anything you may wish to suggest.
Pertanyaan sila hubungi:
013 299 0192 : Farhan
010 512 6836 : Zulhabri
017 699 7684 : Naha
atau emel ke
Twitter: frinjan
0 tukang kipas Labels: frinjan, GiGs and EVENTs, kecik
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Monday, March 28, 2011 exactly at pukul - 4:15 PM
p/s: Malas
Conteng-Conteng Tujuh
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Friday, March 4, 2011 exactly at pukul - 6:01 PM
p/s: Last two days were heaven. I was absent on Thursday due to fever, cold and sore throat while classes on Friday were cancelled. Gila best.
Pekan Frinjan 18
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK exactly at pukul - 4:45 PM
Saturday, March 5 · 5:00pm - 11:30pm
Laman Menara Jam, Dataran Shah Alam
Created By
Frinjan, Zulhabri Supian
5.00pm - Bazar oleh 'Bijou Bazaar' dan 'Frinjan' dibuka
8.45pm - Persembahan bermula
9.00pm - Pra-lancar album 'Radio Demokratika'
9.15pm - Persembahan bersambung
12.00am - Tamat
Terima kasih!
RadioDemokratika: @faridzkecik Sure! If not, you can also pop by a Rock Corner or Victoria Music Centre to pick up a copy!
2 tukang kipas Labels: frinjan, kecik
Hammered by The Hammers: West Ham 3 Liverpool 1
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Monday, February 28, 2011 exactly at pukul - 5:44 PM
0 tukang kipas Labels: kecik, Liverpool FC
Conteng-Conteng Enam
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Monday, February 21, 2011 exactly at pukul - 10:30 PM
Pekan Frinjan 17 & Bijou Bazaar
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Saturday, February 12, 2011 exactly at pukul - 4:59 PM
Saturday, February 12 · 5:00pm - 11:30pm
Tapi, jangan risau! Bagi mereka yang tak dapat hadir di majlis hip-cool-happening-gemilang-terbilang ini, kami harap, dalam 2 minggu berikutnya, Edisi Biasa KLAOK akan siap dicetak untuk dijual kepada umum. Anda boleh membelinya terus dari para penerbit KLAOK atau anda boleh membelinya secara maya.
Berikut adalah caranya untuk mereka yang ingin menempahnya secara maya:
1.Masukkan RM25 atau lebih, kalau mahu (RM5 adalah bayaran pos) ke akaun berikut:
Nama: Irman Bin Noor
No akaun : 162085468109 (Maybank)
2. Lampirkan bukti pembayaran melalui emel (dvinecomedy di hotmail dot com)
3. Nyatakan alamat
4. Sebaik saja siap, kami akan menghantarnya secepat mungkin (Penghantaran dibuat tiap hari Selasa)
By Sufian Abas
Terima kasih.
Razaisyam Rashid, Mohd Jayzuan, Fazleena Hishamuddin, Aidil Rusli, Sufian Abas
Tentang Pekan Frinjan
Frinjan ialah entiti sifar-untung yang dijayakan oleh kelompok bebas. Matlamatnya ialah untuk menganjurkan aktiviti jalanan bersifat semi-komersil dengan suntikan literari, pembudayaan masyarakat dan pengembangan sosial
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:
013-299 0192 : Farhan Azahan
010 512 6836 : Zulhabri
017 699 7684 : Naha
atau emel ke
Acara ini dianjurkan oleh kumpulan Frinjan dengan sokongan dari Tourism Selangor dan turut dibantu oleh MBSA
p/s: Penat merempit, sampai jugak gua ke rumah dengan kondisi yang super dan energetic. Agreed bro, I went to Frinjan twice, dua-dua hujan. Ah, for sure I'm gonna miss it. I wish I'll be there, sorry! Dem, the third consecutive miss. :(
2 tukang kipas Labels: frinjan, GiGs and EVENTs, kecik