A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment and/or satire.
"What telah happen man, why suddenly you seem to be interested in this thing?"

Last week on Saturday, 16th April, exactly at 5PM I went to Masjid Jamek just to see a protest against the media organized by Platform.AM. Technically I involved in this so-called-protest but I wasn't part of the major protesters. I sat just near the main road in front of LRT station, grab my newspaper and read it upside down. There were few people doing the same thing in the middle of the main road and the other side of the road. Then, few Malaysians approached me;
"Bang, abang baca paper terbalik ni..."
I smile at them.
"Oh, ni yang sama macam kat seberang jalan tu ke..."
I kept smiling. Probably my smile wasn't the cutest smile, they walk away from me. I continue on my 'thorough' reading for another few minutes. Beng Beng was there also doing the same thing, thanks yaw! Nanti gua payung eskepal kat New Village okey.
We stop reading and went to Masjid India since gua belum Asar lagi. Then gua balik. Bajet dah contribute le tu? Keh keh keh.
Few days later a video was uploaded by TVSelangor regarding the protest. Nice. Platform.AM also uploaded few pictures about it. I didn't know that they were doing it at KLCC too. I thought they were doing it near Masjid Jamek only. Kool mang!
Initially this entry isn't all about the protest, I just want to highlight something regarding some Malaysians who have negative perspective and perception on this matter. This is the video about the protest and have a look at those comments.
We stop reading and went to Masjid India since gua belum Asar lagi. Then gua balik. Bajet dah contribute le tu? Keh keh keh.
Few days later a video was uploaded by TVSelangor regarding the protest. Nice. Platform.AM also uploaded few pictures about it. I didn't know that they were doing it at KLCC too. I thought they were doing it near Masjid Jamek only. Kool mang!
Initially this entry isn't all about the protest, I just want to highlight something regarding some Malaysians who have negative perspective and perception on this matter. This is the video about the protest and have a look at those comments.
Budak-budak ni tak sekolah ke?
Ini tanah kita...tapi kita rela berkongsi...jgn sampai hak kita tergadai...xmalu kew ngn ank cucu nti ko wt perangai bodoh...lebih baik KAU yg bodoh baca tebalik ngn tukang spray tu fikir balik..apa yang dh buat tu berbaloi kew??
Mcm org gila pun ada...meroyan kot...
Berapa la upah kat budak-budak tu....aku pun nk jgk...
Melayu bodoh untung tak seberapa sanggup jadi alat Ultra Kiasu.
Nie jenis budak tak lepas tadika ...baca terbalik.
I am fine with these comments because I believe everyone has their own perspective, idea, and perception but this entry doesn't stop here. Now please have a look at this video on Justin Bieber Flash Mob Malaysia performing at Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur. Mind if you read the comments too?
This is awesome!!!!!!
Wow..this is so cool!!
Thats fuckin awesome :)
This is so cool.. how do people organize these things?!
They're so excited! haha soo cute!
Let's do it!
OH MY I LOVE THIS... can you please upload the whole song here on youtube pwease... im begging on my knees.
Bak kata Nabil, lu pikir la sendiri. Assalamualikum.
p/s: Pagi pagi dah rage sebab tadi masa belajar parking kereta, semua tiang gua langgar. Cis.
4 tukang kipas:
April 21, 2011 at 4:42 AM
orang Malaysia memang kesah pasal hiburan je. siapa kawin dengan siapa. siapa turun naik court. siapa ada anak luar nikah etc.
pasal benda penting mana diorang kesah asalh 4/5 tahun sekali dapat banyak barang free semua OK!
Malaysia Boleh!
May 19, 2011 at 3:16 PM
bro...gua tak nampak lu punyer kat msjid jamid????
May 21, 2011 at 2:12 AM
nn: Wei barang free apa lu dapat? Bak sikit!
Cerita: FYI, diorang kept moving from a place to another place. Gua datang diorang dah ada kat tengah jalan, kat pedestrian walk. Gua lepak tepi-tepi je. 15 minutes gua blah.
Siapa lah gua ni diorang nak ambik gambar.
May 22, 2011 at 6:08 PM
gua ingat lu hensem boy...dapat msk dlm berita..hahahahaha
p/s:x hensem lah nie nyer?
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