It's official and confirmed. Pak Cik Roy will be our new gaffer. I think he's fine instead of Pellegrini, Lippi or Azrai Khor. He's 62 and I bet he has the quality to be a good manager. I wish him luck for incoming days. As a scouser, I will support him just like I support Rafa before, just like I support Wan Jamak and just like I support K. Rajagopal. Count Haji Misbun in since he is the coach for our no 1 badminton player, Lee Chong Wei. Ikut suka je KeCiK. I do hope he could attract big names to join this new era of LFC. Fulham also confirmed that Hodgson had left his post at Craven Cottage and they wished him every succes in the future as they look to step up their search for a successor. As for that, Pak Cik Roy inks three year deal with LFC. I do hope Pak Cik Roy could focus more on our youth academy. Bagi la can Nemeth, Kelly ngan Ayala main in first team season nih. Virtual high five from me Pak Cik ! All the best !

Pak Cik bukan nak tipu lah, pak cik rasa bangga nak mampus dan tak sabar nak jumpa diorang. Hari tu terserempak dengan Carra kat Port Elizabeth tapi Pak Cik takde can nak tegur dia.
How proud are you to have become only the 18th manager in our history?
Proud ? Bukan proud je baiii..lubang hidung Pak Cik nih memanjang kempang kempis je. Pak Cik bangga gila kerana dapat jadi gaffer LFC.
How key is it to you to keep the big-name players at Anfield - most notably Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard?
Gila kau..dua-dua player ni penting dowh. Pak Cik tak rasa ada yang dalam LFC ni sanggup kehilangan Torres ngan Stevie. Mati Pak Cik baii kena tibai dengan fan kalau LFC jual diorang. Korang semua jangan gusar, jangan cuak dan jangan kelam kabut. Pak Cik kan ada, sebagai gaffer yang baru Pak Cik cuba sedaya upaya untuk hold diorang demi kehendak LFC supporters macam KeCiK dan lain-lain.

Ok, jika anda semua minat kat Pak Cik dan mahu Pak Cik stay untuk season akan datang, taip ON
Errr...World Cup ? Can you explain it a little further regarding 'lifting the World Cup' ?
Pak Cik gurau je lah. Ko ni apsal, takde sense of humour langsung.
Owh..Sorry uncle, standard lah. Saya ni kan reporter. Kena la tulis benda betul-betul.
Haha, Pak Cik acah kau je. Ok-ok, thanks for having this interview with me. Wish me luck k!
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