As usual, I can't sleep after sahur. Here's what I did to kill some time.
"Hoi, there's no time to kill lah"
"Hoi to you back, time-killing is my speciality dude"
Before we start, pardon me for my academic sense of humour. Behold ! The awesomeness of MyUPSI Class Attendance System.
The green one is for ABSENT. Yellow for LATE and orange for ATTEND.
Bola Sepak
Absent - 100 %
Absent - 100 %
Critical Appreciation of Drama
Absent - 80 %
Late - 20 %
Absent - 80 %
Late - 20 %
Pengurusan Pembelajaran
Absent - 100 %
Absent - 100 %
Kelana Siswa
Absent - 100 %
Absent - 100 %
Selected Poems in English
Absent - 84.62 %
Late - 15.38 %
Absent - 84.62 %
Late - 15.38 %
Syntax and Morphology
Absent - 91.67 %
Late - 8.33 %

Absent - 91.67 %
Late - 8.33 %
p/s: For the sake of my safety, do not show/tell/provoke about this matter to my parents. Haha. Mati la weh. Moral of the story; RAJIN-RAJINLAH SCAN ID ANDA.
p/s last skali: Tak nampak ?? Ada gua kesah?
"Tak baik dol ko buat cenggini...tak berkat post nih"
"Yelah, ni nak bagitau lah ni...buka kang kul 7.24pm, ni gua up lagi info"

More info on this;
Selamat Berpuasa and Nuzul Al-Quran.
"Tak baik dol ko buat cenggini...tak berkat post nih"
"Yelah, ni nak bagitau lah ni...buka kang kul 7.24pm, ni gua up lagi info"
More info on this;
Selamat Berpuasa and Nuzul Al-Quran.
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