Hell yeah, the final will be just around, few more hours to start !! Im so fucking excited to see those jaw-dropping perfomences from them. Tak sabar taw. Nak undi sape ek..ishh, mana boleh bagitau you all, undi I rahsia taw !!! Kalau nak undi I pon boleh, taip ON KECIK hantar ke situ...huhu...hold on, wrong channel lah. Tukar channel jap, okeh, sudah tukar. Bodoh punya intro. Sape lah rajin baca intro bangang nih.

12.00 pm - Gua packing-packing jugak. Berus gigi, tuala, kotex [acah je..benda ni gua tak pernah pakai] ngan barang-barang lain. Plan nak bawak alatan memancing tapi takpe lah, beg sudah full.

5.00 pm - KTM Seremban. That was a moment where I will not forget. Tersalah masuk koc pompuan. Patut la polis halau keluar. Damn malu giler. Habis waterface aku. Hilang sekejap keyakinan aku. Keluar lah apa lagi. Cari seat then terus bukak mp3, fokus kat SCTS. hahahaha...
6.30 pm - Seputeh [tak putih mana pon]. Member gua sudah tunggu. He works for KTM and he was my classmate back then during secondary school. Teman se-counter strike gua dan juga teman fly sekolah. Known for his fearless when it comes to skip classes. Memang kering mamat nih. Lepak jap kat rumah dia kat Bandar Baru Sentul.
8.30 pm - Borak-borak. Dah time rupanya. Maka bermula episod di mana gua merempit dengan helmet Apollo yg takde visor bersama LC Hitamnya yang bernombor plat apantahguasudahlupa. Dekat rupanya KLPac dengan rumah beliau. "Wow, ramainya orang" terdetik kata hati si penulis. Hot-hot lak tu cewek-cewek di sini. Gua roger itu nyonya dan sama itu ayam. "weh, aku kat KLPac ni" terbang sudah 20sen gua. Check balance; RM7.20. Nasib baik.

9.30 pm - Aaaaa..bukak pon. Masing beratur, teringat aku masa zaman beratur kat kantin sekolah rendah semata-mata demi air sirap yang hanya berharga 20sen. Perrggghh..besar siot hall dia. Kalah hall balai raya taman aku. Masing-masing ambik seat. Dah macam tengok wayang cuma popcorn ngan coke je takde. The show started with familiar voice I've heard before from a local radio. Lantak lah, bukan dia perform pon.

Next, scene two. Eh, electro apa lak nih? and ambience players? Hold on KeCiK, this is something new. Sit back and enjoy. Haizal from Otherside Orchestra was on the synthesizer and Justin Lim was on theremin & keys. Apakah itu theremin? A theremin was originally known as aetherphone, an early electronic musical instrument controlled without contact from the player. Cis, aku baru tau. Bodoh gak aku nih. Let it be, aku dengan Ayam dengan fokusnya tengok lah bro Justin main menatang theremin nih. Spooky, haunting and yet bloody fantastic. Effect dia bapak ahh..
Justin Lim picture was taken from jiboneus.com. The author is J Shamsul, is a web programmer with strong interest in tech culture who fancies himself as a writer. I thought it was from Duan's howling voice but the fact is it was from that menatang theremine! Beberapa ketul lagu-lagu dari album Drones dan The Great Battle telah berjaya dimainkan dengan jayanya dengan set electro nih. Antara faveret aku - Fragile ngan War Is Over. Syahdu bai, se-syahdu filem Cinta Si Penggali Kubur.
Aiseyman and woman, ada intermission plak. 15 minit lak tu. Aku tengok kiri, cis, amoi ni tengah tido. Berpadu suara kunun. Tengok kanan aku tgk muka Ayam dah macam kena sampok, katanya "tak sesia aku perabih rm40, dpt gak aku tgk org main instrumen yg bukan-bukan instead of guitar, bass or drum". Satu lagi time intermission tu, sibuk crew-crew tolong susun set into next scene. Diorang memang terer, buat kerja dalam gelap. Rasa macam nak tolong tapi takut kena halau plak, ni baru dua scene beb.

Hell yeah, the 3rd scene started with acoustic set. Terkejut aku tetiba Duan terus open lagu Summary versi akustik kat belah kiri stage. FYI, Summary was the first song I've heard few years ago when they launch their second album, Drones. Time tu aku rasa aku tengah layan RedRott.fm, Abg Rom yang jadi DJ. Banyak lagu diorang main pagi-pagi buta time tu, the likes of Cassandra, Shizuka, Rosewood, Y2K, Nitrus [time tu diorang main lagu omputih, lagu Colder mmg best] and others were familiar band for that particular radio station. If someone would ask me the best set I would like to choose this set, the 3rd scene. Why? Suka hati aku lah. Rasa macam nak nangis bila dengar ex aku, Yuna nyanyi In Hiding. Lagu The Foreigner jugak buat gua menitiskan air mata jantan yg sekian lama tersimpan di celah-celah mata, selalu sumbat sebab byk taik mata. Yang nyata, The Foreigner bukan lah sebuah lagu yang ditujukan khas buat PATI-PATI di luar sana.
Last scene, the finale. Brader-brader yang main dua set bapak drum pon kembali dengan rasa angkuhnya. Mana tak angkuh bai, perform ngan SCTS. Lu ingat ni perform ngan Wali Band ke? Finale act ni aku tak rasa feel sgt since all of those songs they were performing at that time are from The Great Battle album. Woi, hold on! Memang tak feel tapi outro diorang memang fword-ing awesome. Barai kepala otak aku. At the end, aku rasa terkilan sebab aku duduk dengan gaya yang agak sopan and in front of me was a rock band. I just cant accept the fact that I was just moving my legs, banging ciput-ciput and sing-a-long with a lower-soft voice.

Based on my experience as a gig-goers, I found out that SCTS suits enough for this kind of performance where the crowd can sit and just listen. I just cant find any moment in their songs to start all those moshing-moshing, body-surfing or maybe doing anti-clockwise punya movement. Paling tak logik kalo ada org buat Wall of Death. SCTS is quaint, vigour yet brave enough to explore this kind of music.

To me, most of their songs are intellectually challenging. Bukan senang nak jamah music macam ni. This kinda song is not for easy listening. Just close your eyes, turn off your brain, submit to unyielding monotony for couple of minutes and let the song do the work. Duan punya vocal memang improve gila khinzir. Ham nyata macho dengan gadget-gadgetnya. Keng Lee, their bassist gua tengok macam takde perasaan time perform. Malu kot. Adil juga begitu, kontrol kiut kot. Have a look at their latest video, Wild Child on YouTube. Adil muka relek dan tenang, tak se-tenang time dia sunat dulu.

No matter who you are, no matter what song you listen to, we are what we are. Its not a weird thing when a keroncong fan listen to metal and its not a problem when punk goes pop. Telinga sendiri, lu interpret la sendiri.
Lupa nak sambung, balik je gua terus sambung aktiviti seterusnya, Champions League Final, Inter vs Bayern. Milito memang owning. Rasa macam nak ckp wtf kat Maradona sebab tak include-kan skali Cambiasso ngan Zanetti dalam World Cup punya skuad.

p/s : To Ayam and Ecah, please click on this link to download the pictures. Kalo ader problem cuba ini link. -------> Klik lah apa lagi !!!!
I am looking foward to meet others. Peace. Sekian saja KeCiK melaporkan dari TV 70 inci.
I am looking foward to meet others. Peace. Sekian saja KeCiK melaporkan dari TV 70 inci.
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