
1st Sem+2nd Sem in UPSI

End of 1st year...What did I get? experienced?

-Hari register, selamba pakai tshirt ngan selipar..kena sound ngan brader senior suruh gi tukar baju formal..hampeh...dah la dpt baju batik saiz besar giler babeng...
-Orientation the only person from n9..haha..sengal btol..
-Kenal2 ngan housemate ngan se-wing ngan aku...
-Dapat id card yang agak mengeciwakan...
-Went for lecture, meeting coursemates - 13 person including me.. Alhamdulillah,all of them were super sempoi+sporting+talkative

-First day main bola kat padang terus injured..cannot play football for a month..kena pangkak ngan Ryan [hampeh lu mat...]
-Tengkiu for our lecturers..

Mr Siva [suka sgt ckp "terrible people..."]

Ms Hasimah [sgt horror tp last few weeks baru tau kenape beliau sgt meng-horor-kan kami..tengkiu miss]

Tuan Hj Nazri [lecturer Sahsiah yg sgt-sgt-sgt terer influence kitorang, the only class yg aku slalu balik awal,pukul 9.30 dah cabut]

Madam Azizah [My "mom" yg sgt suka kucing]

Sir Rozaidy [lecturer yg ktrong tak pernah nmpk dia marah, the only lecturer who called me "KeCiK"]

Madam Napisah [Grammar master from Oxford yg sgt baik hati sbb bagi kami rehat lama-lama a.k.a 40 minit]

-Rumah xde air...mandi dgn air bomba kat tingkat 5...bajet nak jadikan alasan masuk lmbt kelas Linguistics tp rasakan...kena halau !!! hahahhahah...

Wing 2 Level 5 [1st Semester]

-Dpt housemates yg sempoi giler..
Azli, klantanese yg sgt pendiam dan selalu kejut aku bangun subuh..
Azhar, se-coursemate yg tua setahun..ader moto LC yg sgt laju,itu kata beliau..
Hamdi, future guru kaunseling from klantan yg sgt anti Liverpool aku..
Fakarudin, satu2nya ustad kat wing ktrong...antara peserta yg gagal dlm akademi nasyid..
Casey, guy from Kapit yg sgt terer main gitar...blanje ktrong makan sebelum balik Kapit..caya lah Casey !!!

-Hari terbuka KAB, menjadi antara photographer..pakai kamera SLR wooo...dpt makan free ngan tshirt free..yahoooo000ooo

-Masuk library sbb kena paksa review jurnal by Ms Hasimah..sakit wei nak review jurnal...

-Laptop pertama yg di-format oleh aku ialah laptop Casey..

-Seharian tak tdo sbb g slim river teman member buat repot dompet hilang..pagi tu Liverpool lwn Chelsea, kalah lak tu kat Anfield !!!

-Sekali miss tak g solat jumaat..tu la,tdo lagi...kan da ter-miss...

-Dpt sambut besday Cheng2 a.k.a my coursemate, we celebrate it at Proton City, it was a great day for us..sori Cheng2 sbb taruk tepung banyak2...budak ni yg suruh

-We also celebrate Juhin's besday...Praven was the mastermind of this plan...habis rumah kosong wing kami menjadi "platform" prank kami..

Tengkiu guys...that was nice! Dpt bantal spiderman!

-Bsok ader paper final grammar tp sempat lagi celebrate Praven's besday...kalo tak silap ader lebih 5 baldi air kami guna+tepung 2 paket...

-Baik punya plan nak pegi Langkawi during semester holiday tp hampeh, masing2 ader Lata Kinjang is our target after meeting for 5 hour..hahaha..joking!!!

Aksi beregu acara lompat bebas bersama Azhar...

Classmates..muka masing2 cover penat...

Jgn tiru aksi ini tanpa pengawasan rakan sekelas...

-Ingatkan hepi keta rosak !!! keta sewa lak tu...thanks for all coursemates yg sudi menghulurkan duit...ahhahahahaha !!!!

Time keta rosak..line tepon plak xder...cipan btol!

-Final exam yg sgt memeritkan..bdak2 TESL yg balik paling last...KAB ngan KZ sgt sunyi sepi...3 hari straight minum air gelas besar,balik je carik toilet...

-2nd semester nyer housemate not bad faces, Amin and Amir, sometimes I called them the wrong name. Chait...

-Dapat drop CALL subject tp kena add SLA plak...siput sungguh.

-All of us from TESL class were separated into different class for EC nasib baik classmates aku for EC II sgt familiar coz few of them are my close buddies...nice!

-Kelas Literature yg sgt 'memorable' !!! Satu batch tak g TESL nite, amek kau..kena hell fire ngan Dr...rasakan!

Making our version of 'Mariah' tp tak jadi...hahahahah...

-Kelas Kenegaraan yg sgt boring...I only attend the class for 3 times only for this semester..for the mean time la,next week kena gak g coz ada presentation..

-Sakit tangan+jari sbb taip assignment falsafah sebanyak 18 mukasurat!! sebenarnya tak penat sgt sbb pakai skill plagerize.

-Our lecturer for Writing Skills is so cool...cayalah Sir Zain !!!

-The only class yang aku passive giler ialah kelas SLA coz most of my classmates for that class are from senior student..luckily farid is there with me.

-Tetiba di-lantik mengepalai kumpulan B for Pengurusan Ko, sgt memeningkan coz aku paling tak suka mengarah org apatah lagi buat keja byk2. Experience...experience....

Pengurusan KoKo Kumpulan B

-2nd semester has taught me to be tougher and tougher, stronger and stronger, and of course, more friends!!! how lucky I am...Alhamdulillah...

-Spend time sahur, buka and terawikh with my friends are such a pleasureable moment.

-Hopefully these happy times will continue till end of my study. InsyaAllah.

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