Last entry I posted was few weeks ago and since then I haven't posted any entry after that due to my laziness. Technically I'm enjoying my hiatus. Yeah, gua memang lousy. Gua malas. Gua idea-less but rest assure you idiots, I'll come out with something more idiotic than you could ever imagine. Cheers. Now let me sleep. A week of holiday yo!
p/s: Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired - Jules Renard
Hiatus hiatus hiatus!
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Monday, January 31, 2011 exactly at pukul - 6:27 PM
The Awesomeness of Jumaatday
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Friday, January 14, 2011 exactly at pukul - 9:31 PM
Bila Jumaatday menjelma, menu kantin sekolah tak macam biasa. Nasi ayam FTW. Masa sekolah rendah gua dapat RMT, so setiap Jumaatday mesti dapat air susu kotak perasa cekelat. Berbeza sekali dengan menu tipikal nasi lemak, nasi goreng dan air sirap.
Jumaatday adalah hari spesel. Penghulu segala hari dalam Islam. Sebagai lelaki muslim, ianya wajib ditunaikan secara berjemaah. Masa sekolah rendah inilah moment yang paling gua tunggu. Imam berkhutbah di depan, gua dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan bersilat di belakang. Penat bersilat digantikan pula dengan sesi pepsi cola.
Gua mula serius solat Jumaat bila sekolah menengah. By then, gua dah agak serius dalam bab-bab ni sebab dah baligh. Tapi nama pon remaja, sifat mesti-mahu-main masih ada walaupun sedikit. Gua suka cari port yang boleh sandar, kat tembok mahupun tiang masjid. Itu masa gua muda remaja, sekarang gua dah insaf.
Masa gua jadi muallim dulu gua juga suka Jumaatday. Seawal jam 7-9 pagi muallim-muallim yang otai akan lead untuk bacaan Al-Mathurat. Then bila habis, muallim dan muallimah akan ada group pelajar dia sendiri untuk sesi usrah. Gua juga ada group sendiri. Beberapa minit pertama memang gua cuba bagi usrah yang terbaik, ikut syllabus. Biasa bab-bab fekah, sirah atau akhlak akan jadi topik utama usrah. Untuk seawal 10 minit memang masih lagi dalam topik, tapi gua secara tak sengaja akan ter-bincang topik lain. Gua suka tanya budak soalan bukan-bukan.
"Sapa sini tak mandi pagi?"
"Dalam banyak-banyak team EPL, team mana paling terer?"
"Siapa tengok cerita ***** malam tadi?"
"Agak-agak Naruto dengan Ben10 sapa lagi kuat?"
Masih lagi dalam skop semayang Jumaat. Bila dah dewasa gua mula sedar ke arah yang lebih positip. Gua bukan lagi manusia pathetic yang suka datang lambat tatkala azan untuk solat Jumaat berkumandang. Ada rezeki gua dapat jumpa member-member lama yang se-per-sekolah-an. Ada yang dah kerja, dah kahwin, dah ke luar negara sambung belajar dan ada juga yang dah berubah. Dulu mat skinhead sekarang dah berserban. Seronok dan nikmat rasanya berjumpa, bersalaman dan bertepuk tampar dengan kenalan lama.
Last but not least, lepas solat Jumaat mesti ada pisang. Menu yang paling kool gila ialah dadih FREE. Gua segan nak belasah itu semua sebelum semayang so awal-awal gua dah kowtim dengan ex-student gua.
"Nanti yang ni simpankan muallim satu, perasa milo ye"
"Ok muallim, nanti petang main bola tau!"
Friday, I'm in love.
p/s: Hari ni hari Jumaat. Siang tadi lu olls dah potong kuku ke belum?
*Some of the dialogues are used to stimulate fun. Don't take it too serious. Chill.
Wishlist 2011
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Wednesday, January 12, 2011 exactly at pukul - 12:25 AM
Some of you idiots might be thinking of having Pamela Anderson as their kakak angkat
Some of you idiots might be thinking of having a bloody-cool girlpren or boypren.
Some of you idiots might be thinking of having a DSLR camera.
Some of you idiots might be wishing for getting fuken-rich or extremely wealthy.
Some of you idiots might be wishing for losing weight.
Some of you idiots might be wishing for a peaceful world.
Ok idiots, this is my wishlist for this year.
Gua tak nak banyak songeh. Gua tak harap Messi mahupun Marco Van Basten join Liverpool. Gua tak harap sangat Liverpool gua menang semua trophy mahupun World Cup. Gua tak harap sangat Liverpool gua menang semua 38 matches. The only thing that I want is Liverpool in ITS LIVERPOOL's form. Playing with passion. Playing with spirit. Playing as Redsmen. YNWA.
Why Clone Trooper? Why not Ultraman?
I've been wandering all over places, the only 'cool' helmet for now that I found is Clone Trooper. Believe me, if I found an Ultraman's helmet for sure I'll bought it. Just name the price. Tapi agak-agak lah, if it's cost me nearly one million gua rasa lagi elok gua beli rumah ataupun hantar parent gua pergi menunaikan haji untuk beberapa kali. Gua nekad, masuk je duit scholarship SLTP gua akan rembat satu dan letak atas kabinet gua. Wakakaka! Ah, satu lagi, helmet Iron Man FTW!
They are an independent rock band from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Being independent means they do not have a team of label people who write nice biographies for them.They've written and read enough band bios to realise there are way too many big adjectives and marketing bullshit that goes into writing a bio.
Let's try one without blowing their own metaphorical trumpet (real trumpets are fine).
If you like their music, the best thing you could do for them, almost even better than giving them money, is to tell all your friends about them. Last album I bought is Great Battle by Seven Collar T-Shirt. Penat gua merayau satu Seremban, not even a single music shop sells this album. Gua teringat pesan buddy gua, "Woi, lu try usha 7E" and I managed to get it at that 24/7 shop. It is an awesome album. Gua rasa belum ada lagi local act yang buat English album as superb as them. Butterfingers is also one of them. Local act FTW yo!
These days I find it difficult to find a good movie just like old days. Gua macam biasa, kekal optimis sambil mengharap masih ada lagi movie yang mampu buat gua terkesima for couple of hours. In 2011, I do wish that these three movies could 'wake' me up from my sleep. Gua harap tak ada lagi movie-movie yang gua sangka super duper bertukar menjadi sampah seperti filem The Last Airbender dan Clash of Titans. Sumpah sampah dua cerita ni!
Gua harap these movies will not making me saying "Celaka punya movie! Bosan sial!"
Pak Cik Roy has been sacked!
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Saturday, January 8, 2011 exactly at pukul - 11:14 PM
The return of King Kenny. YNWA Pak Cik Roy. YNWA King Kenny. Walk on bebeh!
p/s: Gua tak kira, nak YNWA lagi sekali.
0 tukang kipas Labels: kecik, Liverpool FC
Liverpool the Laughing Stock
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Thursday, January 6, 2011 exactly at pukul - 12:17 PM
We barely got 3 points at Anfield.
We pick up a measly five points away from Anfield.
...and this morning we lost against Blackburn. This result and the embarrassing sound of Rovers fans singing "Can we play you every week'' and "Are you Burnley in disguise'' are killing me.
0 tukang kipas Labels: kecik, Liverpool FC
Cuti Cuti - What have you done, KeCiK ?
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Monday, January 3, 2011 exactly at pukul - 4:34 PM
Ah, January finally. As you all might know, the whole December was my semester break. After this, I'll start on my 5th semester on January. Gua akan kembali menjalani hidup gua yang penuh dengan protokol. Gua kembali berpakaian kemas. Bertali leher, berkasut, baju masuk dalam dan rambut tersisir rapi. Dem :(
"So cuti-cuti ni apa lu buat?"
"Banyak bai. Macam-macam gua buat"
Besides bangun-makan-tido, main futsal, cat rumah, ketuk tin, pergi surau and others daily routine, these are the things that I endured while having cuti-cuti in December;
I am extremely happy to see you kids with the great results. Yang tak dapat result power macam diorang; chill and relek. You still got time. The journey is still far. Lu olls might not get good results in exam but never be a loser. Belajar jadi orang eventhough your academic is not as good as others. Gua dulu pon result takde sepower lu olls tapi sekarang macam ok je. Haha. Dah besar kang dah jadi doktor, peguam, menteri or whatever; jangan lupa kat Sir/Lao Shi/Mualim k! Ada rezeki kita bertepuk tampar lagi.I may not be there for you but I'm watching you. Pergh, dah macam lagu Silverchair pulak.
Berbekalkan motor legend gua, EX5 berwarna hitam, gua merempit bersama buddy gua, Mamat yang juga seorang gig-goer. Last time we went to KL Ska Fest together. Mathematically this gig is the last gig for this year. Lu olls jangan ingat Tampin tu dekat even dalam satu negeri. The journey from Senawang to Tampin took almost an hour. Alhamdulillah, we arrived there safely. Even though the gig was held in a studio, it was fun tho. Skankin' dalam oven. Panas tapi puas. Nanti gua hapdate secara detail regarding this gig.
"Woi, gi kenduri kawen pon nak kecoh ke?"
"Suka hati gua lah @#$% !!!"
Sorry Mun for being late on your wedding's day. Tak merasa gua nak tengok lu pakai baju korea. Haha. BTW, thanks for the meal. Lauk pengantin tu. Haha lagi.
26th December 2010 was a hectic day. Timkai? Let me sum it up, first leg of final AFF Suzuki Cup, the 10th Rock The World, Rantai Art Festival and another kenduri kahwin from my relative at Perak. So, where did I end up?
Kenapa lu tak tengok final first leg?
The match started exactly at 8.00 PM. So lepas Rantai Fest gua still boleh catch up tengok match tu.
Kenapa lu tak pergi Rock The World?
As you all might know, I attended four editions of RTW. The 5th, the 6th, the 7th and the 8th. All of them were held at Stadium Merdeka. Gua rasa RTW dah hilang vibe dia. So gua tak kisah sangat terlepas edisi kali ini. Satu je yang gua kisah, tak dapat tengok Seven Collar T-Shirt in LIVE !!!
Kenapa lu tak pergi kenduri kawen sedara lu?
Famili gua dah ada wakil. Abah, mak dan adik perempuan gua ada datang. Lagi pun gua dah dapat restu dari mak gua untuk pergi Rantai Fest.
Okeh, besides spending time watching television with my mak, gua juga ada masa dengan abah gua. Antara aktiviti yang kami buat adalah sesi pecah tanah kat belakang rumah. Gua yang masih muda, longlai kerana mengorek, mencangkul, menarik hatta apa jua sekalipun. Apart from that, I also assisted abah gua on wiring our own house. Gila babi susah. Kalau gua ambik course letrik gua ingat baru first year gua dah kena tendang. We ended up as late as 4.00 in the morning.
p/s: Gua rasa sem ni agak heaven bagi gua since I don't have any classes on Isninday! Yey!