“I’d like to think I could have been a footballer. I was an attacking midfielder or striker. I was a good leader so I think I would have made a good captain.”
p/s: I got this info from Goal.com
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Monday, May 31, 2010 exactly at pukul - 12:58 AM
0 tukang kipas Labels: GiGs and EVENTs, kecik, Liverpool FC
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Friday, May 28, 2010 exactly at pukul - 9:57 PM
0 tukang kipas Labels: GiGs and EVENTs, kecik
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Thursday, May 27, 2010 exactly at pukul - 2:55 AM
Detroit Metal City is about a death metal band that has gained immense popularity in the indie scene. The main character is a push-over, Negichi Souchi, who is trying to make a living in the music world, but he didn't imagine in his wildest dreams that it would be in such a band. Read and see what hilarious situations he gets himself into.
Soichi Negishi is a shy and gentle young guitar player / singer who dreams of a career as a pop musician. Dreams don't pay the bills, so he's ended up as the lead singer and lead guitarist of a death metal band called “Detroit Metal City.” In stage costume he is Johannes Krauser II, rumored to be a terrorist demon from hell, to have killed and raped his parents.
Another song's subtitles suggest that his fans should murder everyone, in a comic parody of the genre (if all his fans killed each other, he'd have no show). Negishi despises DMC and all that it stands for, but so help him, he's a terrific performer and can't walk away from that. As DMC's star rises Negishi tries to satisfy both worlds, but can't.
Soichi Negishi is the main protagonist. A calm and peaceful musician from Inukai, Oita, he is a fan of Swedish pop who is the exact opposite of his alter-ego Johannes Krauser II , leader of the Death Metal band DMC (short for Detroit Metal City). Ashamed of his true job, Negishi must cope with DMC's rising fame while keeping it a secret from friends and family.
Even though Negishi despises Krauser so much, he can never resist the temptation of invoking his demonic ego every time he feels irritated. While performing as Krauser, Negishi proves to be a skilled guitarist, able to play just with his teeth.
Interested? Feel free to waste your time reading DMC at 1000manga.
p/s: The manga has reached 2 million copies
0 tukang kipas Labels: kecik, Manga oh Manga
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Wednesday, May 26, 2010 exactly at pukul - 12:25 AM
Hell yeah, the final will be just around, few more hours to start !! Im so fucking excited to see those jaw-dropping perfomences from them. Tak sabar taw. Nak undi sape ek..ishh, mana boleh bagitau you all, undi I rahsia taw !!! Kalau nak undi I pon boleh, taip ON KECIK hantar ke situ...huhu...hold on, wrong channel lah. Tukar channel jap, okeh, sudah tukar. Bodoh punya intro. Sape lah rajin baca intro bangang nih.
0 tukang kipas Labels: GiGs and EVENTs, kecik
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Tuesday, May 25, 2010 exactly at pukul - 2:32 AM
A long time ago... in a land of far, far tak far sangat, there was a kid [sekarang dah banyak uban], a kid who was physically small and fragile yet brave enough to do something that not everyone would like to do. He was searching for something different, different from what he heard from radio and what he saw on tv.
Maka bermula episod dimana budak nih merayau-rayau di shopping complex, at that time the shopping complex was known as Yaohan, now it is known as Terminal One Shopping Centre. Gua suka jalan-jalan sorang-sorang. Watching-watching orang, listen-listen orang. Kedai faveret gua time tu adalah Kodai Sopan. Gua sangat suka motto kedai diorang, "Sopan Gayo Pejuang". Kedai skate, byk item-item utk para skaters available kat situ, from deck to bearing, from truck to griptape.
Time tu gua main skate jgk. First deck yang gua beli adalah deck yg lu oll leh beli kat pasaraya Giant [patut la Nobita tak pernah dtg Malaysia, Giant byk kat sini]. Harga murah beb kalo nak compare ngan deck-deck mcm Powell, Birdhouse or Element. Tapi gua tak extreme mcm member-member, diorang baru sehari-dua dah pandai ollie, gua nak diri atas deck pon xstabil lagi. Kickflip was my best trick..hahahah, baru belajar heel flip dah give up. Tak main dah sampai sekarang. Dah terang lagi bersuluh pakai torchlight, kaki ni dah memang khas utk sepak bola je.
Sambung balik cerita, lagi satu kedai gua suka lepak adalah kedai kaset yang se-floor dengan Kodai Sopan. Kedai apek mana ntah, kat depan banyak gile poster artis-artis ntah dari mana. First kaset yang gua beli dengan duit sendiri adalah kaset Limp Bizkit album Chocalate Starfish and The Hotdog Flavoured Water. Memang best sebab time tu lah gua start belajar mencarut.
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Friday, May 21, 2010 exactly at pukul - 9:23 PM
Be sure to join Seven Collar T-Shirt as they celebrate The Great Battle at KLPAC!
Venue: KL Performing Arts Centre
Date: 21st and 22nd May 2010
0 tukang kipas Labels: GiGs and EVENTs, kecik
Another cheap entry posted by KeCiK Thursday, May 20, 2010 exactly at pukul - 4:38 PM
I was just wandering around all over the internet and guess what, I found a blog that show photos of well known footballers when they were kids. Cekidout!
Miroslav Klose. Ex-Werder Bremen foward, now he plays for Bayern Munich. Gaya rambut yang retro habis. What were you pointing at baby Klose?
Iker Casillas - He plays for Real Madrid, known as Saint Iker. Kecik-kecik lu memang muka jambu lah. Antara keeper paling jambu dalam dunia selain Sani, keeper Nogori.
Thierry Henry - Former Gunners and now he plays for Barca, the Catalan giant. Dari dulu gua memang nak buat rambut macam ni. Bell-bottom weiiii....
Peace and Salam. Allah bless you. Peace sekali lagi untuk lu oll.